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Colors in His Life

After seeing Afif's mommy so diligently taught him recognizing the alphabets, I became ashamed of myself. I'm a SAHM and yet too lazy to coach my son the basic things he needs to know at his age. To make it worse, he is such a fast learner, so it'll be a waste if I let time flies without teaching him everything that he could absorb at this age.

So now I'm adamant to make him recognize the alphabets, numbers etc. He can recite them alright, but still struggling in recognizing them.

But he's doing pretty well with colors though, alhamdulillah.

On a different note, I've always been quite impressed with the Montessori approach for kids' education.  But to send him to Montessori kindy, is out of our budget! Perhaps I could try implement the basic guidelines in homeschooling the little guy. That is, until the time we decide to send him to school.


  1. Samala kita.........uwahhh!!! Anyway, my son can catch faster and better if my niece taught him. Kalau ibu ni...adeh....malas la, sakit kaki la, fenin la...(Ibu garang sgt perhaps)

  2. i pon decide home shcool my angels je..hehehe coz im a sahm juga..:) anyways home school pon bagus sbab parents act as the teacher, friend and yang nak discipline pon kita. jadi anak2 lebih rapat and cepat belajar ngan kita. selain tu, kita pon akan lebih byk cuba belajar on how to teach and blajar jadi penyabar..eheheh i tgh nak share on the sites yang i bagi my angels surf..ehehee nanti baca and komen k?and pls do shaRE urs too..

  3. hihiii...
    takpe bagi anak2 enjoyyyy dl ngan life dia...
    nnt dah mula sekolah takde nak suka suki takmo belajar... :)

  4. hahaha budak2 ni sangat cepat tangkap tau..u ajar die kejap je dah dapat...yela hati suci murni lagi kan..senang je ilmu just that u have make it more fun to learn la sebab diorang ni cepat hilang concentrate..kang die nampak mainan die..dah nak pi main plak hahahaha..anyway gud job to u too!!

  5. montesori memang bagus, but costly.dulu-dulu takde montesori pun bole berjaya jugak kan?
    kena banyak sabar....insyallah boleh!

  6. Ala cutenya anak menakan miyong sorang ni..hehehe.. 'bllown' tu tak tahan tu.. selalunya yg chinese ja yang tak reti sebut rrrrr.. irfan kan terror bab rrrr bergulung-gulung, macamana boleh tukaq plak ni ?? hehehe..

  7. i wished i pun rajin mcm tu. but ...huhu...
    *come join me sobbing*

  8. sz mass : ha'ah so make him learn thru play kan kan. hiks

    farah : betul betul betul. thanks!

    syidagorjes : tu lah costly. tapi boleh cuba2 belajar apa dia punya basic concepts and terapkan sendiri at home. hehe

    anom : yong...tah la. rasa pasai kita dok perli dia kot tetiba dia tukaq jadi L pulak! wakakkakakakkaa!!!

    isabelle : haha takpa adam pegi sekolah kan. so he'll learn there :-)

  9. aspenladylovely : hahaha sama lah i pun garang gakkkkk!kihkih

    cru734ngel : haa do share please. thanks!



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