My mom and hubby always complained that I'm not very good in taking care of my stuff. I guess that's because I always leave my things all over the place. Most of the time it will get lost amidst the huge piles of junks in the house.
But that's not the case nowadays. Things don't get lost easily anymore, but it does get broken frequently, thanks to the little menace who so loves invading my space. Anytime, anywhere!
Just the other day as I was doing my makeup before going out, he came menyibuk to play with the stuff. Much to my dismay, at one point, he accidentally dropped the compact powder that I just bought not even 2 weeks back!! And then he looked at mak singa yang tengah menyeringai tunggu nak terkam mangsa, and immediately cried out so loud taktik baik punya, anak bertuah! that I had to cancel the thought of holding him by the ears while make him clean up the mess.
Sigh. This is the second one that he had broken within a year. If you keep on doing this, your father is definitely gonna go bankrupt soon! You heard me son?
After this, I better buy the stick foundation pulak lah kot.

omg!!!!! ermmm i pun kalau dah jadik camtuh sure menyinga punyalah... hehehe... tp kejap jek.. lps tu cool balik... kalau tgk muka irfan tu sure tak jadik marah kan? hehehehe.... sabar je la bai... :D
ReplyDeletehahaha..pokai la abah irfan nnt..kalu selalu camtu. Arif plak senyap2 tlh pecahkan deodorant umi di tgh2 mlm. Bgn kul 4 pagi tgk botol yg membuatnya dh tido. Sib baik tak terpijak kaca.
ReplyDeletehoho..kalu me mau leleh airmata instead marah sebab marah sangat..why not try yang loose powder one? I love mineral makeup by loving minerals..loose & light..
ReplyDeleteoh sami selalu buat then dia cakap 'haaa dah pecah dahhh.. sami buat..' siap ngaku lagik.. i everytime dia buat gitu i dgn senang hatinye ckp 'papi sila ganti ye'
ReplyDeletehahahah tu la akibat bila papi kenkadang mengambil kesempatan xlayan sami sbb sami suka melekat kat mami.. so bile sami main i nye stuff if rosak pandai2 la ganti hahahahha
omegoddd....bederai abess...huwaa mau bederai air mate klo kene..huhuhuhu buh tgi2 ler pandai lak irfan nanges b4 kene marah..hihihi if ma doter dier akan tekedu sambil wat muke kesian...hhihih
ReplyDelete---da price 175...140 for the compact...35 for the casing...u must buy both..but next time just the refill laa.. 140...segan nk reply kt ma page ---
ReplyDeletealah, irfan comel! hahaa.
ReplyDeletekalo i sendiri terjatuhkan compact/eyeshadow pun rasa mcm nak hantuk kepala kat kan pulak kalo anak yg buat.
ReplyDeletetapi biasanya adam pun buat muka puss in boots dengan ayat "sowi mama."
haha.. never happen to me yet.. sume brg2 makeup i simpan dlm wardrobe, can't be reach by my baby.. huh~ klau jatuh nk buat camane kan.. senyum je la.. hahaha
ReplyDeletealahaiiii berkecai rasa hati nengoknya.. hehe sabar ye mommy irfan.. asal boleh calit lagi kita calittt hehe ;p
ReplyDeletehehe beli stick punya pun ok.. eh tapi i pakai miyami jatuh tak pecah tau hehe.. harga pun ok, i beli kat cosway je hehe
ReplyDeletelooks like it's now time to go foundation shoppping right??? yeay!!!
ReplyDeleteboleh pakai lagi apaaaa.........
ReplyDeletehancur2kan jadik powder..
babe..sama dgn i...semua make ups hancussss....check out my blog..ada i buat entry anak jahanamkan mekap....heheh