It's not easy being a woman. Agree?
Women must dress well, inside and outside the house. A man can get away wearing mismatch outfits, but not us women! No we don't. If we go out facing the public with a dark green blouse and an apple green tudung, other women would be whispering behind our back. Confirm colour blind minah nih. Yes, to that extend okeh!
That's the reason why, though this might seem like such a small matter to you guys, it is not to us women. We need lots and lots of tudung to match with our outfits. You might think that your spouse has a mountain of collections in the wardrobe, but then these tudung goes in and out of style like nobody's business! So if currently the only tudung(s) that conquers her wardrobe are of the bawal species, please please bring her tudung shopping. You should get her A SERIES OF NEW COLLECTIONS, to match her every outfits. This is just so she could held her head up high in the air when she goes out in the public.
Oh btw, gambar adalah hiasan semata-mata. Entry dan gambar tidak ditujukan kepada seorang suami specifically. It's for general viewing pleasure. But if ONE PARTICULAR HUSBAND take it to heart, then what can I say?!? Hahahaha!

betul betul....tudung la, baju la..tak campur lagi kasut dengan handbag yg nak kena matching tu..hehe..
ReplyDeletetang handbag ngan kasut boleh la consider lagi..tang tudung ngan baju tu la kalau tak matching, mesti selebet ja..
teringat cikgu i zaman dulu yang jenis tudung biru, bj kurung biru, handbag biru, kasut biru, sib baik lipstick tak biru..
but i do agree, bab memilih baju ni agak susah..
bai, ko kena buat blog tudung swap la mcm ni pulak LOL. i ada a whole stack of square scarves yg dah lama tak pakai sejak menceburi bidang tudung selendang. tak tau apa nak buat with all the other square tudungs. any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteayat last tu..patutnya mmg ada 'one husband' rasa kena batang hidung mancung dia tu.
ReplyDeleteit's tough being a woman but a womans gotta do wat a womans gotta do ... SHOP!!!! ... heheheh!!!
ReplyDeleteoiii slim gile pls! jelessss!
ReplyDeletekancilbiru : tu lah kan...kang pakai baju hijau tudung oren, confirm kena kutuk kaw kaw! hahahahha
ReplyDeletelady : hahahhaha...i remember ada one time tengok cikgu pakai camtu gak. tu diaaa semua sama colour, my fren suka cakap macam curtain. ekekekkekeke
kayla : harus simpan! nanti i'm sure it'll come back in trend. hehehe
papakeechee : the woman after my heart. haha
lea : hahhh!!! tipu tuuu...i pun tkatau camna tetiba nampak slim sikit in that pic. wakakkakaka. hello! awat tu dah cukup slim hot mama k!sila jgn jeles. hahahaha
kak,thnx sbb berjaya menggode sy pegi ke penang times sq lepas bc entry akak,hehe..blouse sgt murh kan,sme cntik2..i like urs..comey je.. =))