I guess it's because he has seen me do it on countless occasions, thus he starts to copycat the behaviour.
Irfan now is a vain pot who LOVESSSSSS to take his own pics. He would pose, say smileeee to himself and starts clicking away! Sometimes when I check the phone, tah apa2 gambar in it, pics of the carpets lah, celings lah and a lotttt of his pics with me in the background picking my nose.
Lobang idung mu tataaapppp menjadi poooojaan hatiku!
But the best of all is when he started taking pics of my completed diaper cake! Hahahaha! Boleh take over business mama nih!
A little bit more improvement, and he can be a professional wedding photographer, now can he?

budak budak sekarang pun suka posing kan?? hehehehe.. ada talent nak jadi photographer tu...
ReplyDeletei have a niece who takes her own pics and send them to her aunts & uncles..and she's not even 4.y.o yet!kids these days..
ReplyDeletehehe not bad lah kan mana tau besar nanti jadi pro...keep it up boy...
ReplyDeleteni paparazzi unik ni sbb ambil gmbr diri sendiri :D
ReplyDeletethere goes the business of other pro photographers. hehe.
ReplyDeleteadam once took lotsa pix of his knee, tapi bila tengok balik, dia ckp "eee..bontot." sebab nmpk mcm bontot. hahaha
photographer in the making hehe
ReplyDeletepsstttt... mak irfan pun suka ambik gambar sendiri ya??!!
hahaha..irfan..irfan.. :)
ReplyDeleteirfan needs a haircut
ReplyDeleteecha : itulah pasal. suka benor posing budak2 sekarang ni kan. hiks
ReplyDeletenay : hamboi ur niece! siap send to aunties and uncles tu tak tahan. hahahhaha
lady : ameen! :-D
nadiah : yerp paparazzi utk diri sendiri ;-)
isabelle : ekekekke...sometimes irfan camtu gak...ambik gambar body parts then i dok confuse tgk which body part it is. hahaha
yatie chomeyl : haaa hopefully. bole ambik gambar mak dia abnyak2 haha
dr. singa : yaa betulllll!!!!! hahahahhaa
ct_as: hehehehe
the zonan factor : yerp he does, tonight we go kwik cut k abah. ;-)
hahaha, ada talent ni! go go irfan! ;)