Last night the hub told me not to cook today, as we would be dining out with his colleagues at the mall. I was just too happy that I didn't have to cook that I neglected to ask for details.
So I was just concentrating on a blogging job I got for this week the whole day. When it was almost time for dinner, I started to get ready, mekap tebal seinci, sprayed the perfumes all over my body and waited anxiously for hubby to come back!
So he came and out we went. We were just cruising down the road when suddenly he made a left turn. I got confused then, where were we going exactly?!? And the husband stated matter-of-factly, "Lahhh, I told you kannn we're going to dine at Pizza Hut here!".
Cehhhhh!!!! Mati-mati lah ingat nak dine at QB Mall, sekali pi sini jaaaa????
Haaa, tak patut tau! Penat la haku pakai maskara berlayer-layer! No wonder lah the husband was confuse in the first place, looking at me all dressed up, JUST TO GO TO GIANT??? That is just sooo not me! Hahaha!
I almost went to the ladies to wash my face if not because we were already late. Luckily, the little guy was around to keep me occupied so takdak la rasa too awkward among the not-so-overly-dressed crowd. Hiks.
Farewell to these 2 guys
We had this pizza, among other things. So and so lah I would say.
Little guy bored outta his wits being strapped in the baby chair. Padan muka!
A note to myself : Next time, be sure to RE-CONFIRM with the hubster on the location we're headed to!

hihihi u ni comel tau... kalau ada yang heran kenapa make up tebal cakap la ini berhias untuk suami...
ala, ingatkan boleh tgk gmbr dia bermekap :D
ReplyDeletetakdak gambar..huhu
mana gmbr u yg over-dressed tu ? tepek la kat entry, nak tgk sket hehe
ReplyDeleteits okay...kita wajib jaga pnmpilan kat mana pun kita hahahhahaah...(i slalu bagi kata2 smgat camtu kalau dah overdress) hahahahahahah
ReplyDeletehehehe. xpa la. at least u appear as the most gorgeous one not only in the pizza hut, but in that giant too! :)
ReplyDeleteagain..nak gelak sambil guling2....
ReplyDeletelaaa....awat tak enter frame sekali??!!
ReplyDeleteAhakss..tuh laa..dengaq 'mall' at the first place for sure lah excited kan....rupa-rupanyaaa...!! pakai trek suit jaa pon tak pa.. :-P (kalau ima laa)
ReplyDeletetakpe orang mesti ingat u ni balik dari function kot hihihi
ReplyDeletehahahaha... mesti org ingat "artis mana laaaa mai giant malam ni?" hahaha.. ntahnye.. tepek aa pic skali.. :p
ReplyDeletehehehe.. kelakar je, I'm trying to imagine ur situation..hehe.
ReplyDeleteBai, I'm giving an award tau.. please check out
dr. singa : termalu sampai lupa k. so not me! :-p
ReplyDeleteimma : hahaha...bukan excited sebab nak pi mall. excited sebab ingat nak dine kat tah mana2. tetiba giant plakkkk! tsk tsk
farah : tapi laki i comot, camna tu? hahaha
are_shie : hahahahhahaaha u jgn buat lawakkkk! pecah perut haku gelak. hiks
mila : haha imagine imagine. insyaAllah nanti i ambik k.
Lady of Leisure : haaa betullll! i berhias untuk suami kan. hiks
ReplyDeleteeis : dah termalu ok. tak ingat apa dah. ;-)
yatie chomeyl : lupa la babe nak ambik gambar hahaha
sisdee : kata semangat yang betul2 memberi semangat. kalau camtu pi kedai kopi ah keong pun bole pakai mekap tebal kan. hahaha
isabelle : sure orang dok terpikir, dia ni mai giant makeup seinci. kalau pi kenduri camna agaknya? hahaha
iswatie "colours of life" : wahh tak puaih gelak kat FB di sini pun hang gelakkan aku naaa. hahaha
gambar tak de ke? baru nak tengok make up tebal seinci tu..hehe