Have you ever found a strand of hair in your food whenever you eat out? What would you do then? Just continue eating as usual? Makan rambut sedap jugak ya? Haha! Or you just took the hair out and continue eating the food dengan lahap?
Ok, I've got news for you people. There's a possibility that the food with hair in it, is a food that's been infected with SANTAU (black magic)! Yes, I just heard in on TV. So what would happen if you've eaten half of the food? Can you reverse the effect of the santau?
The good news is, yes you can! How? Just take the strand of hair, recite any surah you want e.g Ayatul Kursi or Al-Falaq. And then cut the hair into half. With God's will, the santau would not have any effects on you. And the ustaz said never blame the owner of the food stall etc as more often than not, they are not the one doing the black magic, but other pengamal santau who just need to cast their 'stuff' somewhere.
Mr. Hubby, if you find hair in the food I cook, please don't be scared. I can assure you, I'm not casting any spell or trying to jinx you. The reason for the hair menyelit in my cooking is because you refuse to bring me to Yun Nam Hair Care for treatment! I've been telling you once too often, bring me for treatment or else you will have to 'eat' my hair everyday. Sekarang, rasakan! Hahaha!

hahahahhaahah...gelak besar i baca last entry u tu..hahahahah...
ReplyDeletemmg kan..takut skarang psl mandrem2 nei :(
dunia akhir zaman..kes santau2 dah kembali rancak now nie..ish..ngeri tul!!:(
owh..ye ke. tak sempat tgk WHI td. Perenggan last tu...kelakar la Bai ni..hahaha
ReplyDeletesisdee : haha..betul tu memang ngeri! manusia makin civilized, makin dok kembali ke zaman jahiliyah.
ReplyDeletekak ct : hehehe bai kan clown of the year :-p
Thanks for the info. LOL yg perenggan last tu ☺☺☺
ReplyDeleteSalam manis ....
ReplyDeleteOwhh... black magic ! bahaya tuuuu
Saya percaya zaman ini masih ada lagi . Selagi ada manusia yang berhati syaitan .
bagus tuh info.. my fren nye sis kena santau thru food lah.. haha kena g yun nam la nampaknye pas nih..
ReplyDeletefiza : no sweat dear. sharing is caring :-)
ReplyDeleteely : hahhh memang that's the most common of santau kan thru food. harus lah i ke yun nam lepas ni hahaha
linda : i agree with u 101%!
sungguh jahatnya, ;-P
ReplyDeletesalam n thanx sudi ke blog haku yang takde apa2 itu,
u patutnya ckp "kalo ada rambut tu, u hafta figure out urself whether it's my black magic or the normal hair fall.."
ReplyDeletebaru amin cuak lebih sikit..hehehe
tunbegia : ur blog best lah ;-)
ReplyDeleteisabelle : hahhh taknak lah i, nanti kang aku kena tuduh practicing witchcraft plakkkk! with blogging nowadays, macam2 ble jadi kan. haha
1. ooo.. now i know.. :) thanx for sharing
ReplyDelete2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. (gelak kuat wlupun kat dlm cc, bukan d rumah sendiri) ,- respon kepada pesanan untuk hubby tue.. cute hingga menggeletek my funny bone..nice one mama ^_^
hahaha.... i pun nak kene pi yun nam nih... banyak bebenar gugur rambut... nanti masuk lam nasi tak ke haru....
ReplyDeletetapi i pernah la masa student jumpa rambut, i was like 'eh rambut'... kemudian i tarik keluar and sambung makan sampai sendawa...
kelakar la you..hehe.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Thanks 4 sharing the info..kalau u tak cakap I wud never know bout the santau.
ahaksss...my cooking slalu ada sesat rambut...tp sungguh2 la i takde ilmu santau...baca bismillah aje sebelum masak ok...huhuhuhu...
ReplyDeletehahahha kan betul kan..ma hair pon sgt senang gugur..sape suh tk bawak kite g yunnam kan :p
ReplyDeletenweytengs tau...takot betol ler santau2 ni..hishhk..subhanaAllah
nay : laaa funny betul ka sampai u gelak sorang2 dalam cc ni? hahaha
ReplyDeletelady : ahh i pun macam you gak...slalu tarik rambut keluar abeh tu continue eating. now dah tahu takleh dah la hehe
mila : i pun taktau sampai terdengar dalam TV :-)
mama-miya : hahaha tu lah from now kalau makan tengok ada rambut sure ingat santau haha. so nak masak pun kena cover kepala lah hiks
iefa : a'ah kan...skang ni makin senang rambut gugur. dah tua hiks