The movie is quite entertaining, but I won't say that I like it better than Alice In Wonderland, that's for sure. It's suitable to be viewed with your little kenit , though mine certainly wasn't much interested in it and he preferred to jump on his father's tummy and kick him off the couch instead. How to bring him to the cinema like this???
Anyway, our movie nights has gotten so much better with the plasma as before this, we preferred to watch on the desktop. But now since we have the 42', rugi lah kalau tak make full use of it, right? All that was missing last night was popcorn. Hmmmm, anyone can teach me how to make popcorn?
Now excuse me while I go scout around for more movies to download for our movie nights!

heyya i know how to make popcorn! you beli bertih jagung (ada jual kan kat malaysia?). okay.. then, dlm periuk, u panas kan a bit of oil on low heat. then, bila dah panas, test letak satu bertih dulu. if dia start pusing laju, means that it's hot enough. then masukkan the rest of the corn and close the lid of the pot. pastu tunggu la dia pop, and shake2 sket. until the popping sound stops, then ur done!
ReplyDeletethen you make the caramel topping pulak. you melt butter in a pot, then u put in sugar. u kacau2 until dia blend well, then terus tuang kat popcorn tadi and kacau2 cepat2 before the caramel hardens.
then you'll have your caramel popcorn :)
popcorn yang macam segera tu i pernah nampak, cuma dok terpikir kalau balik rumah camana nak masak... hehehe
Yah.. during my university days, I used to work part time at this bakery and making popcorns and waffles was amongst my main tasks... Sebenarnya senang aje nak buat pop corn tu, cuma kita tak biasa je..
ReplyDeleteHere's a link on how to make it -
Yong pernah beli the corn kernel kat Giant -- in loose quantity - so you can try and buy sikit2 dulu and try.. The main ingredient yang kena ada is just oil and sugar -- tapi kalau buat sendiri kat rumah, letak butter lagi sedap.. cuma kena control sikit la the quantity.. takut hangus..If I'm not mistaken, everything must be in equal parts - meaning 1 cup of kernel + 1 cup of oil + 1 cup of sugar.. it should work...
Good luck! nanti kalau try, show us the outcome..
biasanya popcorn ada jual kat supermarket, kita boh dlm microwave, heat up..dia meletup la jadi popcorn.
ReplyDeletetapi..not sure la kat mesia ni supermarket mana ada jual.
makan jajan twisties je la.
kayla : thanks! can't wait to try it out!
ReplyDeletelady : haaa sama la kita hiks
ely : tu lah abeh semua orang dia kick off the sofa. tension haku!
yong : thanks for the link! very helpful, nanti nak cuba
isabelle : twisties sedap gak! tapi tekak teringin popcornnnnn jugak..mengada tau tekak ni haha