Photo credit to Imma
Nowadays, I'm very hesitant to bring Irfan to kenduri, yet it doesn't feel right to go without him. He's really into the 'terrible two' stage, and this boy is OVER FRIENDLY too with people. He will just barge into other kid's activities, and he usually does it in a very rough way. He shrieks at them, oh yes! That's his way of saying "Hello, can I join in?" or "Hello sweetie pie, can we be friends?". But kids, usually girls, would be scared looking at this
Last time he used to shove other kids roughly, that's how he played with them. After countless of times telling him "No pushing, no shoving, that's verrrrryyy bad, no one wants to play with you nanti", we can see some improvement now. Before we go anywhere with kids now, we would ask him "Later you going to see Arees (or anyone else for that matter) so remember. DON'T???" and he would reply "DON'T PUSH! DON'T TOYAKKK!. SAKIIIT!" Hiks. Good!
So I guess now we should start advising him on the shrieking-in-your-face behaviour, no kids would wanna befriend him if he keeps on doing that. I hope to see some improvement soon!
Raising a kid ain't easy after all, is it?

wahhhh ade possibility jadi hearthrob kat university nie nanti...hehehhe...friendly and charming!
ReplyDeletehahahah.. kelakar la irfan ni..
ReplyDeleteye la.. ada anak cam tu la.. aku pun dahjarang join apa2. zahraa nanti jerit nak balik la.. jom la.. aku yg tak selesa... hmmbila la irfan bleh meet zahraa nih
Bai, mmg raising up a child sgt penat especially when they're still a baby or toddler sbb byk benda yg belum dia org fhm. Myself also sometimes having hard time nk jaga Mika..but still keseronokan dgn teruja tak pernah luntur.
ReplyDeletemcm2 irfan ni yeh..hihihi dh telebey frendly plak eh =D kenapa ye.kdg2 risau kan?rafiq baru 10 bulan pn selalu marah2 bila org pgg dia...its ok.its a learning process.for both them n us...anyway....miss u babes
ReplyDeleteverde : hhahaha heart throb eh, jgn jadi samseng sudahhh hiks
ReplyDeletezoora : kannnn. rasamalas nak join sometimes. dgn kasut tingginya nak berkejar2 ngn si kenit..penat lah!
illis : yerp! memang seronok but at times worried too, takut he grows up with no manners. berat tanggungjawab kita.
iefa : haaa macam2. memang over friendly sampaikan ada 'kakak' ni smalam marah dia jgn la kacau! hahahaha
senioritasara : tah la..maybe sbb i suka marah dia ngn nada nyaring kot hahahaha. miss u too!
hahaha... eesya mmg agak penakut dgn bunyi2an yg kuat.. so jangan ambik hati yer encik irfan yg hensem.. budak2 macam tu laa.. that's why skrg no high heels dah mamaeesya ni pun.. dah pernah tersadung skali masa dukung eesya.. then dah tobat sekejap.. :p
ReplyDeletewowwww.... besar nanti sure jadi hero pujaan ni... :D
ReplyDeleteraising a kid memang penat, tapi it worth all the efforts kan..
are_shie : hahh irfan ni mana la reti amvik hati...muka tembok dia nih. haha. he's too rough la nowadays, nak kena ajar tone down sikit, esp with girls kan. takut bebudak tu haha
ReplyDeletehaaa mama irfan ni tahla bila nak insaf pakai heels, haha. u takpa, ur tall so without heels pun still maintain gitu. hehe
lady : a'ah memang it's worth it :-)
Irfan is a fun and friendly boy..suka dia..Boboy pon asyik2 sebut irfan jaa..Smpi hari ni dah bole ingat dah..klu sebut mamu..mesti diikuti nama Fann ngan Antee..hikhiks..
ReplyDeleteTp Boboy agak pemalu di permulaan perkenalan..camna nak buat erk..but friendly after all..mcm mummy dia jgk laa..
irfan is agood boy, mesti dia dengar cakap u nanti ;)
ReplyDeleteimma : hahh kesian boboy irfan suka ambik barang dia hiks. sorry eh boboy! takpa friendly mula2 lepas tu warm up okeh la..lama2 jumpa depa ok la nanti kan.
ReplyDeleteyatie : ameen! i hope so too :-)
come lote dua branak pose camtuh.. baru kita tau susah senang our parent besarkan kita kannn?
yeah..i dah pikir dua kali nak pakai heels ke tak pegi mall nih..
owh..dont forget to claim your fabulous blog award yaa..
ReplyDeletekekeke maknya pesan hari2.. sampai dia dh boleh hafal.. amboii Irfan ni mesti pandai mengayat bila besar nanti hahaha
ReplyDeletehahahaa..sabar je la..mmg mesra alam si irfan ni ye
ReplyDeletepsst: cik DM kena tag ye..selamat menjawab :)
ha penat penat!!! ... but arees loves it when aqil irfan shrieks at his face cause he also joins his fellow "shrieker" and hence a "shrieking club"!!! heheheh .... ^_^
cantik la bj hng :) i loike.
ReplyDeleteshaferlicious : hahhh i kalau pegi malls jgn harap lah nak pakai heels, tersungkur kang haha. kalau wedges bole dipertimbangkan ;-)
ReplyDeleteliana :haaah tu lah pesan tiap2 hari sampai dia hafal ekekeke
mama sarah syimir : sangat! over mesra tau. ;-) ok nanti bila free i buat ya
papakeechee : haaa! arees seems to be the only one enjoying the shrieking game. haha
amy : thank you. baju lama :-)
gambar last irfan and mama sangat cute.tak pe lah irfan kecik lagi..semua pun jadi cute,tiamia kat dalam train pun tak malau2 lagi dah:)
ReplyDeletemamatiamia : haaa kecik2 still cute la. tapi irritating pun ada jugak huhuhu