I'm thankful that Irfan is not a high-maintenance kid. He doesn't need expensive toys to play with, he can be satisfied with just a pillowcase even.
But this is not a story of Irfan playing with a pillowcase. It's about him and his BFF, Cik Bobob.
Earlier today as I was surfing the net, Irfan put his Spongebob - nickname Bobob - besides me. He then took one of his flash card, gave it to me and told me to "Kipas Bobob sat. Bobob hot!". I ignored him for a while until he got cranky because apparently Bobob couldn't stand the heat and dok menjarum kat anak haku to pester me so that I would kipas it. Overrr tau Bobob nih!
So I had to succumb to Bobob's need for cool air. Maka kipas lah saya, kipas punya kipas punya kipas. While the son was laying down crossed leg watching his fave cartoon on TV. After a while, I was adamant not to kipas IT anymore, and thus I let the boy knew that I gave up already. I firmly looked him in the eyes and told him to take over in kipas-ing Bobob ass. Believe it or not, dengan penuh licik he informed me that Bobob doesn't need to be kipas-ed anymore! He's having high fever. Pulaaakk dahhhh! Pandai hang nak mengelat naaaa!!!
Ok fine. At least I got away with the kipas-ing part. So I thought Bobob was off his mind already. But not long after that, he forced Mickey and Bobob to sit on his momma's lap, and watch youtube with her. Video Klip Ungu. Boleh?
All these while, I've never known that Mickey likes Ungu songs, I thought it only likes the Hot Diggety Dog Song. Rupa-rupanya, Mickey has the same taste as me in music. Bole lah geng sama-sama layan youtube lepas ni, ok Mickey?
But Bobob, you're having high fever! Go have a rest in bed, go!!!

muahahhaaha a
ReplyDeletenice entry babe.
thanks for telling me about mickey's fav song..kalau x, i pun xtahu hahaha
high fever yang tak tahan tu...
hahaha "kipas bobob sat. bobob hot." LOL!!!!!
ReplyDeleteok xtahan hahahahhahahhahahahaha
ReplyDeletesami pong ade spongebob.. dia selalu la ckp.. 'spongebob nak usu tak?' smbil mbaca spongebob dan meletakkn mulut spongebob kat breast i.. patu dia buat bunyik 'chup chup chup.. ' ngan mulut gaya isap susu..
hihi.nice one..irfan ada imaginary fren tak?i used to have one..ibu ckp mine was named Minah...huhu..strangely, i vaguely remember...hmmmm...
ReplyDeletehehehee...anak2..macam2... :)
ReplyDeletesib baik dia tak suruh bagi ubat!
hahahaha...kesian hng kena jd tukang kipas bobob :D
ReplyDeletei dok tergelak - gelak baca entry u ni pasal anak bujang hang sorang tu... ahahahahaha.... such a smart boy!
ReplyDeletehahahaha saje nak bagi mama die kerja ek...cerdik sungguh!
ReplyDeleteyatie : haaa tu i pun baru tahu. sharing is caring babe. hahahahaha
ReplyDeletelady : haaa dia check ngn thermometer kot sampai tahu high fever. hiks
kayla : aunty plak tolong kipas! pleaseeeeeeee
ely : hahahaha sammi sanggup share susu ngn spongebob eh. bagus sammi tak tetekut!!! haha
nay : my hubby said imaginary fren tu memang wujud. anak jin. huhuhuhu
sz m.a.s.s : tulah macam2 lagaknya
Dr.Singa kalau suh bagi ubat i cari u lah. haha
amy : terpaksa, anak punya pasai. hiks
fiza : macammmm macammmm la perangai budak2 ni kan. hehe
farah : itulah. macam takleh tengok mama dia bersenang2 chatting. haha