Yesterday after morning shower, I put on his diapers and went to prepare his milk. This boy fidgeted because he wanted to pakai baju, pakai baju, pakai baju and couldn't even wait for a second, so I told him to go choose his own baju from the wardrobe.
After the milk was ready, I went to the room and was shocked because I couldn't see this guy anywhere. I shout out his name several times, but there wasn't any reply coming from him. As I was about to get out of the room, I noticed something rustling IN the cupboard, and oh my! There he was, trying to reach for his clothes! Haha! Bikin panik ja mamat ni!
Dah macam walk-in wardrobe pulak kan. Anyway, I told him, "Dey tambi! Your baju rumah is at the other side of the wardrobe lah", but this boy refused to budge, adamant to put on his baju jalan instead! Sudahhhhh, don't tell me your father has to buy more baju jalan after thissss! Robek la pocket!
But guys, shhhhh! Dun tell his father what I'm about to tell you ok. Truth be told, his momma is secretly wishing for him to continue with this habit so she could go shopping for clothes more often! Hahaha! Evil, evil thought!

ReplyDeletemintak no.hp amin. i tolong smpikan...hahahaha
p/s:irfan pilih baju mcm kat butik! kemain lagi
so easy la nanti ... it will be cute to see his clothes combo which he chooses ... mesti cute ... hehehe ...
amboi ada gaya la dia pilih baju... u panggil dey tambi, sangat comel hehehhe.... clever mama...
ReplyDeletebtw..i pakai gak cara tu muahahahaahahahahh
hahaha.. clever ay mama? :P
ReplyDeletenadhrah pun sama cam irfan, mmg menjerit2 nak pilih baju sendiri, dr 2 years plus lg..
ReplyDeletetektik kotor!!!
sambil lah...
owh mama so clever...suka suka
ReplyDeleteAiii irfan..apa hg buat tu..bijakkk...bijakk...mujur tak trkunci dlm almari tuu..lawak sungguh..!!
ReplyDeleteBtw bai..kna limit2kan sikit baju baru klu dh bnyk..sbb Amin nti bg alasn duit dh abeh beli baju baru n therefore xdapat beli iphone..weeeee
isabelle : nak report ka? nah ambik no. ni 01*-*******. cuba teka. hahahaha
ReplyDeletepapakeechee : i bet his fashion sense is not as good as him momma. haha
lady : my hubby suka cakap kat dia deyyy! hahaha
sisdee : kita serupa!
5577 : hahh it's their age kot ya ;-)
DrSinga : haaaa taktik kena baikkkk! alang2 ada anak, let's use them to our advantage. *keji kah* muahahahaha
zarin : suri rumah macam saya kena cekap berfikir supaya dapat bershopping. haha
ReplyDeleteimma : ohh iPhone itu adalah budget lain ya, entah bila nak dapat. hahaha. hal makan pakai anak bini harus budget wajib setiap bulan. hiks