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Busy Week For My Mama

Hello everyone!

Mama has been pretty busy lately, not only has she been ignoring her blog, but she has been ignoring me as well! Look at what I had to do to get her attention, even for just a fraction of a second.

She brought me to a play date earlier this evening, and I heard her telling my daddy that it spelled  D I S A S T E R. She said I had been very naughty but all I knew is that I only wanted to play. I guess she will tell you guys all about it when she has the time to spare.

Oh shoot!!! It's now wayyyyyyyy past my bedtime so I better tuck myself in before my mama finds me knocking on the keyboard. She gets irritated easily nowadays and I don't want to be on her bad side.

So nite-nite everyone. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bug bites!


  1. miya looked at the pic & said "ah bibi...bibi"...tak sedar diri kata org lain baby..

    pastu miya sibuk nak ambik pantz gak to put on her head..

  2. muakakaka...irfan..bley buat topi pi cameron nanti tau...kekeke..nakai hang naa..auntie imma gigit idung tuh satgi baru taw.. :-D

    btw..cermin mama sampai ber-selotep tuh mesti kerja irfan jugak nak grep her attention kan.. :-D

  3. yatie : tu lah very the notty!

    mama-miya : hahaha memang la irfan pun suka panggil budak lain baby! amboi miya sukaaaa ya stunt2 camtu bole la kawan irfan

  4. imma : haaaaaaaaaaa nakai sangat2 dah dia ni...taktau la pi cameron ni dia nak buat prngai camna.

    haaaaaaa cermin tu dari aritu dah tak perasan ka masa mai rumah? irfan kesian mama dia nak beli kabinet baru abah dia tak bag..dia tolong bagi pecah wakakakka

    balkis : haaa yeeessss! nanti aunty dapat baby jgn jadi macam irfan tau hiks

  5. ha..haaa su cute irfan..hari tu baca irfan first crush so kelakar nak tinggal comment tak boleh pulak:( mama busy must be good then.

  6. mamatiamia : haaa irfan makin naughty tau. business adala sikit2...busy dengan benda lain ;-) huhuhu



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