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Nuby Sport Sipper

While shopping for our soon-to-be born nephew, we came across this no-spilled sport sipper by Nuby. It's cute and looks sturdy, and oh it's BPA-free too! It comes in so many yummy colors, but sadly Irfan chose to have this color, totally different than what I had in mind! Anyway, I thought this sipper would be a good transition between bottles and cups, thus t would be helpful for our journey towards weaning him off the bottles.

We had actually tried giving him milk in his sipping cup (with straw) before this, but he refused them and still asked for his bottle. So for a long time we put aside the desire to wean him off because I wasn't emotionally ready for the battle I had to go through with him.

Today, I tried again to make him drink milk using this cup. But so far, after half a day of coaxing and tricking him, he still refused them. Water in sipper, ok. Drinking milk in them, a big NO-NO mama! Believe it or not, he actually went on for almost half a day without milk, until I gave up and switch back to his old bottle.

Any idea on how to get him used to this?


  1. Bai..what i did to Boboy..tiap kali minum ayaq kat gelas / mug / cup, me and hubby slalu but gaya menunjuk2 kat dia konon2 minum kat gelan tuh sangatlaa nikmatnyaa..sangat laa bestnya..hehehe..skali buat jaa..dia pon nak ikut now at everytime tgk ayaq dalam gelas/mug/cawan dia mengamuk2 mintak nak minum jugak ~tp takpandai lg pon sbnrnya~ even botol ayaq dia ada kat situ..tolak mentah2 teruih..heheh..

    So maybe Bai boleh cuba kot..

  2. comeynyerrr...klu mcm ni , i pun berkenan nk hangkut satu utk diri sendiri ekeke

  3. miya punye nubi dah hancus dah dia gigit.

    miya kalo i bg susu dlm sippy cup, minum a bit slow. it take hours to finish 5oz. kalo dgn bottle laju aje. so far i akan utamakan cup dulu..kalau tak habis2 susu tu, i tuang dlm bottle. then miya kena ejek dgn i "hee tak baby....heee"...dia buat muka selambe aje..

  4. i read a review pasal nuby punya sippy cup susah nak sedut selepas i dah beli benda alah ni. so i cuba lah. memang susah betul. tapi bila bagi pada my boy, nampak senang je air tu dia sedut siap melimpah-limpah lagi...


  5. sami pong pakai nih tapi tetiba kan ntah kemana peginye botol nih haha teruk betoi. maybe u leh tren dia for certain period kot. i kat nursery terus tuka botol sami n give him lebeh kurang cam nuby nih. kalau ade straw cam kesian dia xleh baring khayal2 so i selamba aje kasik tuh. teacher dia kata no complaint tapi kurang susu. kire dia akan susu bile dia dh xtahan sgt. hahahha.. mlm i direct feed aje. so maybe u leh try time pagi sua dia guna botol nih.. i tgk kat fm nye instruction sehari up to 2feedings aje. so kalu irfan leh tahan 1/2 hari xminum u bleh kasik time lain dgn jumplah yg sama. hah sukati i aje. marah pakar kat i nanti ahhahahaha

  6. actually kids umur baper eh kene stop dr doter mmg tkkan mnm ler susu slain gune botol dier...huhuhuhuhu

  7. imma : irfan loveeeeeeesssss drinking water in cups, biasa la kids suka ikut apa adults buat kan. tapi susu is a big no-no, becoz dia find comfort in the action of sucking his milk using teat yang dia dah biasa kan. nwo just hafta get used him to change to this teat plak.

    yatie : hah!! htey have it in red. beli la untuk u...sesuai dan comel. ngeh ngeh ngeh

    mama-miya : oh u still persistant with cups eh? maybe i should just be persistant gak and change to bottle only when susu dah nak expire (coz i bagi FM) hahaha. thanks neway will try that on him..

    niza : i bought kat mom's care here, i think maybe ada kat anakku boutique and toys r us gak. or any baby's shop la yang jual banyak2 brands of baby stuff

    Dd lala : a'ah susah eh? tapi irfan kalau minum susu memang agak melimpah, he doesn't know hot to control it yet, coz it works like straw tapi nampak macam teats, i think he gets confuse kot

    ely : haaa perhaps bole buat time siang ja kan, good tips. i nya sippy cups yang lama jugak sudah hilang, asal beli ja hilang, i hope this one won't be lost too soon. wakakakaka..

    btw irfan memang kuat minum susu, i think one day adala 5-6 feedings, sometimes more. so kalau guna this cup, save duit bapak dia sikit kan! hahahahahha

    iefa : that totally depends on u dear. i tengok my nephew (living in US) by irfan age dah wean off bottle so nak try gak.kalau boleh, senang sikit takyah cuci botol, usung botol merata.

  8. rajin nyer!! hehehe .. like u said i dont have the energy nor the patience ... let u try first then u can tell me wat would be the easiest approach kay ... good luck ^_^

  9. xdpt la nak tolong. paling2 pun, i buat mcm imma ckp la.pretend mcm sedap sgt kalo sip from the cup.siap bunyi slurrpp..slurppp lagi (hahaha. no manners x?)

    adam pulak, kalo susu je, mesti nak dari bon-bon (i mean, direct from me). hadoi laa...

  10. bai,
    on 2nd tot, maybe u can say "eee...(yuck)!" while pointing at the with time irfan udrstds that drinking from the bottle is not good.

  11. papakeechee : ok but i can't guarantee same method will work for arees. hahaha..oh yes thanks, i need the luck. :-)

    isabelle : isabelle, that prentending thing doesn't work on him, tho i've tried before. hehehe but the yuckie method, i've tried this morning. managed to put his mind off the bottle for a while jugak la. kena perservere in this baru jadi kot hiks

  12. teringin masa kecik dulu... my mom nak suruh minum dalam gelas, dipecahkan i punya puting botol susu.. then she said 'ala dah pecah la , macam mana nak minum, pakai gelas je lah ek' then i senang2 cakap OK... hihi...

    dulu ok lah kot.. but kids nowadays they r very smart kan...

  13. lady : wahhh that easy??? old were u at that time? hmmmm irfan skang demand maybe coz dia still nampak his bottles berderet2 on the sink. perhaps if i hide them all then he'll have no choice but to drink in the cups gak kan

  14. Can i know where u get this Nuby sport?



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