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Darah berjurai-jurai, mana lah mama tak panic!!!

Irfan's routine everyday when his father comes back from work is to hide from him, and then when abah calls out to him a few times he would run out of his hiding space to him, and run back to me before his father even get to hug him. Yes, he loves teasing his daddy like that.

Last night he went through the same routine, and while he was running back to where I was sitting he fell face down, and a thunderous sound ensued his fall. His face hit the sofa leg. There was blood all over his face!!! He cried until his lips turned all blue, and so I thought there must be a deep cut somewhere! He was crying and crying while his father tried to rinse his mouth as the blood seemed to be coming out of it. I was then afraid that he might have broken a few teeth; Omigod! 21 months and toothless already! I can't imagine.

Then after a lot of struggling, wailing and hair pulling, we managed to clean up the blood and it was clear that his teeth were all in good order ALHAMDULILLAH, despite his lips looking very swollen like it was stung by a bee. However, this time all the dramas and the crying didn't last that long as he was all psyched to get to play with bubble while he was being clean up, so I guess it took his mind off the pain. After the panic subsided, I actually thought he looked kinda cute and sexayyy with pouting lips like Angelina Jolie. Haha!!

This morning while observing him, I noticed that his rabbit teeth is a bit crooked. Tsk tsk tsk. Sungguh like father like son. The father has crooked nose due to accident years back, and now the son has crooked teeth due to the fall.

What a perfect match!


  1. mrs shiv : yeah, for while there i almost cried for him. but after that he was up and running again so i guess it was nothing much. and BOYS WILL BE BOYS no matter what ;-)

  2. sian nyer...but alhamdulillah x der apa2 gak...

    BTW...salam kenal yer...i dh follw & add ur link kat my blog... :)

  3. sian nyer...but alhamdulillah xder apa2..

    BTW...salam kenal yer...i dh follw & add ur link kat my blog... :)

  4. OMG!! i just updated a similar entry ... great minds do think alike .. yes!! Good thing he got better fast if not stress only our jiwa and raga ... Aiya tell him not to be like his cousin la ... not worth all the pain and agony that he puts his mother!!! >_<

  5. nasib tk jadi apa2..saspen baca tajuk tu

  6. masyaallah..ngeri baca tajuk hahahaha...

    anyway...boy mmg tak tau diam kan..huhuhu

  7. adoi laaa hai...keciannyaaa...i will panic too klu tgk darah and can't imagine klu it happened to me, i will sure taktau nak buat apa..huhu..but thank god irfan tak laa cedera parah..hehehe...funny of irfan pun yaa jugak..Boboy nanti taktau laa far bila dgr papa dia balik..apa yg dia buat..berdiri sambil angkat2 tgn dgn mulut riang ria bersorak..yeay! yeay! yeay!..

  8. masyaallah,nasib baik irfan tak jadi apa2..xpa k.yah,gigi tu nnt patah then tumbuh gigi no worries babe!!

  9. ha..dpt imagine sakitnya tu..mcm my boy kne bebaru ni.
    cepat2 lah surut bengkak..sempat lg u buat kelakar hehhe..tersengih me bace:)

  10. alamak kesiannya dia.. mesti sakit kan.. i can imagine..

  11. Waduh Bai..bikin luruh jantung gue baca post tittle you..seriau la kot2 apa jadi kat irfan..i mmg panic freak..specially when involve baby/todler nih..anyway take care boy!!
    (anyway its part of their learning process kan..dah jatuh baru tau rasa sakit kan..mine like suka jump here n thre..rimas perut laaaa)

  12. kesiannya irfan.. adoii budak lelaki memang mcm ni.. selalu bikin mamanya sakit jantung.. boleh jd pengajaran gak next time u bleh remind dia kalau lasak2 lg huhu

  13. owh..that thing must hurt so much!! Get well soon yer Irfan! *Hugs*

  14. i nak nangis for 2 reasons, one for the hide and seek. beshnye!! i plak emo on the hepi moment patu nak nangis sbb dia jatuhhh huwaaaa bebetol cam Sami. Sami tu accident prone sukala lari laju2 patu jatuh.. xpe Irfan sure tambah hensem pasnih..

  15. oh my irfan! kesiannya aunty baca. i hope he's alright now. he is, isn't he? still handsome as always. :)

  16. hehe. baru la confirm irfan anak abah



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