I still remember that day.
One blissful Saturday right after Subuh, the day I knew I got pregnant with the little guy, I dragged the big guy to queue with me at MPH Wangsa Maju, because I couldn't wait to get my hands on the Harry Potter's book.
And now, despite the earlier panic, tears, blood and what nots, I'm pretty much amused to announce that I got my very own version of Harry Potter, right here with me in the house!
That's the stitches, still there. The doc has not yet take it out. |
I bet Harry, with his lightning scar, would never ever look as handsome as the little guy does with his scar. Heeeeeeeeee!!!

hat tu betoi2 kat tgh..dah jadi taji ultraman tu.
agak ngeri i tgk stitches tu.
ReplyDeletemesti i nangis kalau tgk doc tgh jahit secara live.
i lemah semangat.
but i knew lilguy a.k.a ultraman is the brave ones.
sian dia..hero kena la ade tanda..hehe..
ReplyDeleteisabelle : haha...takmo bagitau kat dia cam ultraman. nanti dia nak melompat lagi. hahaha!
ReplyDeletesyida : adoi...i ngeri gak k! i pegang tang kaki..and looked the other way so memang tak nampak la doc dok buat pa. amin pegang kepala so dia nampak la semua...huhu ngeriiii!
ani : huhu...harap2 itu ja lah tandanya..lepas ni harap2 serik dah. huhu
resipi potato jacket kat myresipi.com
ReplyDeletesila pilih potato yg sedang@kecik, cepat dia masak&lembut.i punya pun ada yang terkeras.
baru jantan sket bila dah ada scar :)
ReplyDeletetapi memang ngeri tengok scar dia, tapi dia mesti selamba ajer tak serik ..budak2.same goes to my nuha..
haiyohh jatuh kat mana tu irfan? hope nothing serious. (boleh senyum manis lagi tu ok la kot kan? :D)
ReplyDeletehuishh~ awat tu?? sian dia.. klau i dh nangis dh tgk doc jahit tuh.. get well soon lilguy~
ReplyDeletedia boleh menten senyummm lagiksss tu...
ReplyDeletesyida : oh okok thanks ya!
ReplyDeleteelissmie : memang! langsung tak serik!
pinkerton : tak jatuh la aunt, langgar bucu pintu :-)
zulaikha : i almost nangis, tapi taan sebab malu kat nurse. haha
sz mass : camtu la anak teruna sorang ni.
i always afraid that day sbb i selalu rasa seram ngilu yg i akan berada di situasi u.. maklum lah sami pon suka beraksi..
ReplyDeletego irfan! next time auntie show auntie nye scar kt dagu plak leh hi-five hahahhaa
uuuuuuuu that stitches look painful..but nonetheless your lil guy still look handsome. =) harry n him?my vote is on him!