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Takleh bawak pi majlis betoi!

What can you do if your kids 'buat perangai takleh bawak pi majlis' like this? 

Fyi, this pic was taken at one of my cousin's cousin wedding. The pic shows my little guy standing on the chair, singing along LOUDLY to the song that the nasyid group on the stage were singing. His was off tune of course, much to his momma's embarrassment!! Luckily it was nasyid, and not Wonder Girls gelek-gelek with the "nobody body but yewwww" song! If not, surely I would be stabbed with pandangan keji from makhluk sekeliling and I would then scream bloody murder to his daddy for influencing him on the Wonder Girl thingy! Hahaha!


How did I keep him still and quiet after such a scene in  public? Cubit kuat-kuat Umpan with this lovely chocolates of course! Abeh mak bapak tok nenek punya semua dia rembat.

So the next time we are to bring him to any functions again, mustttttttt remember to bring lots and lots of cupid chocolates!!!!


  1. Hehehehhehehe......tomeiii tomeii....biarla DMama!! Ish...tomei boy nak tunjuk bakat la...!!!

  2. eh babe! bukan ke sugar can make kids lagi active ke? but if boleh buat dok diam and makan and makan ok lah kan ;-)

  3. Salam kenalan drama Mama,
    Nice blog:)..BTW, anak i pon cam tu, penah skali ms tu g dinner opis hubby, kebetulan mmg time dia nak mkn, dlm pejalanan da bg mkn roti, ntah cam ne wat perangai, elok sampe kat car park je dia muntah abis atas baju i lak tu..uuwaaaaa, balik trus, senyap sunyi satu keta, at last mkn burger je..lagi teruk kan..hehe, cam tu la sementra nak besar, tp tips nak bw dorg mmg kna bekal mkanan fav/benda yg dorg suka pgg/mkan:)

  4. ahahaa...
    ni mesti lagu feveret irfan kot..
    tu yg sakannn... ;)

  5. ahahaa my boy siap pi join lagi kakak2 menari tradisional kat stage huhu.. i dh malas nk kejar

  6. hehehe .... he never sing that song to me lagi!!!! ... bila mau nyanyi to big mommy???!!!

  7. irfan tgh in love ka yg dia layan kemain lagi coklat tu?

  8. Salam,

    Nazeem pun ada baju yang sama :)

  9. heiii i suka lah tgk bebudak mcm tu hahahhaha comel sgt!

  10. bakat terpendam banyak tu jgn di sekat hehe

  11. auuwww...kiyut!!!luckily my eldest angel sgt obedient and pemalu...problem kat my 2nd angel jer la...buaih tak hengat!!:p



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