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Speaking Ganulish???

It's kind of annoying yet enjoyable to have conversations with the little guy nowadays. He keeps on referring to himself as what else but Spiderman lah kan! Then, most of the time when I need to complete my chores in a rush, he would go "Spiderman wants to help!", "Spiderman wants to this and that!". Haish!!!

As broken as our English are, we try to converse with him in the language because if we don't, then we would be having a hard time later to teach him the language. So I can see that he's picking it up quite well, despite the grammatical errors and whatnots.

When he's in the mood, it would be fun having him converse with us in English. I would laugh myself silly with some stuff that he says. Like the other night I was going into the room and about to close the door when he wanted to go out to the hall. He wanted to go get his Spiderman truck. So he told me "Dong close door. I wang go ing later!" Hahaha! I swear he sounded very Ganu-ish when he speaks English sometimes! Keh keh keh. Anak aku niiiiiih!

Oh peeps, excuse me will ya? I can hear my son banging on the door already, calling out to me "Motherrr!! Motherrr! I wang go ing pleaseeeeeee!!!".


  1. i try baca slang tganu tu ya ampun mmg nak gelak bunyinya hehe.. lagu mana dok penang boleh mai slang ganu tu irfannnn..

  2. heheheheh ganu ni pengaruh dari mana??

  3. muahaha..
    sabar je la budak kicik nih...

  4. hahhahhaha so funny!! yup..stimes kalau anak speaking mmg kita leh how come ganu mali nei :O hehehehe

  5. wakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka!!! ... I wang i wang!!! now i know y arees does not pronounce his "G"s ... Aqil Irfan is using them ... hahahhahaha ... lawak ah budak ni ^_^

  6. Ganu ish pong dakperlah, as long as he tried his best ekekekeke

  7. hahahahhaa...okeyla tu..funny n cute son when I speak English to him he will say "Ibu...jgnla cakap cina ngan Along...Along x faham!!" Aiseh....klu ckp kat luar x ke malu ibunya ni??

  8. hehe he comel ooo irfan....haahlah dm, mana datang slang ganu nie...xpe lah janji dia mencube kan...

  9. 'spiderman?' haha comel ok sgn sore seraknye! sami suka la carba marba, 'mami ape this?' hahah sukati ati



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