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Fat fatty bom bom!

I was just browsing through some old pictures of my sweetum. Oh my God! My baby used to be a juicy, fatty bom bom baby but where has all the fats gone to? He must have transferred  them to his momma by some invisible means. Wicked, wicked babyyyyy! Haiiipp!

But the picture that got me roll on the floor laughing is the following. BEST of them all! You wanna know why?


Because the big guy is thiiiiiiiiis close to resemble David Arumugam in this picture. Har har har! I told you that you and long hair doesn't go together, didn't I sweetheart?! :-p


  1. chubby. mata beso. kuat gelak = patut la sekarang ni bijak bukan main. huuu~

  2. ekekekekeke... xbaik la u nih. lawak tau. owh! irfan sgt cute & bam bam! :D

  3. ooowwwhhhhh!!!! i suka the first picca ... i remembered his cheeks were so the bam bam one when he was even younger than those pics ... he would curiously stare at me with his BIG BIG eyes and not even twitch ... kekekek .... aaaahhhhhh those were the days ^_^

  4. Waahhhh!!! Big Guy posing kalah Mama and baby boy!!!

  5. true true..makin besar makin slim bebudak ni..mak dia yang makin lebar..heheh..

  6. baby2 selalu mcm tu..masa bb kemain lg tembam bila besar kurus plak..dia lasak tu dm, tu jd mcm tu..comel irfan masa tecik..

  7. wahhh dh mcm rajnikahn tau!!! xpe irfan tetap hensem!

  8. Gb : skang banyak akai! tsk tsk tsk

    fizamior : kannn...jahat kan i! :-p

    papakeechee : good old days! :-)

    aspenlady : haa dia memang kalau bab posing serah kat dia. hiks

    cuppycakemom : kannnnnnnnn! sob sob sob!

    hanim : ha'ah sebab diorang lasak kan

    ely : hahahha sapa macam rajnikahn? amin ka? euuuuwwww! i tak suka rajnikahn! wakakkakaka



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