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THE Fairy Tale Wedding

Have you seen the video of the beautiful beautiful wedding ceremonies ofof Allahyarham Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin's daughter? For the fairy tale wedding videos, click here and here.

Image from here

I came across the video in my FB account. I have mixed feelings watching it. I've seen grand weddings ceremonies before but nothing beats this one, it's just so very fairy tale like. So you can say that I'm impressed, like reaaaaaaaallly reallllllllllyyyyy impressed with it. It's so much like in a movie, like too good to be true, and of course it's every girl's desire to have such beautiful, beautiful wedding ceremonies, ain't it?

But impressed is not the only thing I felt watching the video. I just felt sooo ermmm...sebak thinking that her father is no longer around to witness the beautiful ceremony of her youngest daughter wedding. I got like real sad air-mata-bergenang kind of feeling. And suddenly, I started praying very hard to God to please pleaseee let the big guy and I be there for the little guy's and his siblings weddings. And every other important events in their life. 

Please Ya Allah!


  1. impressed jugak!!
    mau ratus2 hibu hinggit tuuu...

  2. pernah g wedding cucu sedara tun mahathir...pon grand jugak...seb baik one of the groom's sibling tu is a friend of mine...merasa gak g kenduri org kaya2 ni..heheheh :)

  3. thanx share..lepas ni sy tengok video pun harap dpt myaksikan perkhawinan anak2 sy nnti...amin

  4. wah.. lama tak comment here... u guys will definately witness all important events of ur son's! mesti sampai cucu cicit la!!!

  5. mmggggg sangattttt tinggal impian nmpknya...
    pengantin pun bagai pinang dibelah dua..sooo sweetttt...

  6. i've watched it too!! sooooo sweet...
    macam fairytale...

  7. uishhhhh.. sangat la banyak habis duit ni kan... kena setahun prepare nak buat wedding gini... tak le lupa la sampai bila bila.. grandddd gile... dan.. saya pun harap jugak... biarlah kita dapat saksikan anak anak kita semua kawen kan.. aminnnnn.. ishhhh...

  8. dua2 anak millionaire (ke billionaire?!) maka bulehlah kan. i nak hire topless men tu pun belom tentu cukup bajet hikhik!

  9. mmg fairy tale sgt2 tgk video wedding tu, seronok ;)

  10. kalau $$ dah banyak..apa2 pun boleh jadi..sebut jer kan??..

  11. my sister's fwen dapat invitation card dia. katanya pada invi card ada btau lebih kurang gini, "utk bg hadiah kawen, sila tengok di parkson pavilion." so bila pegi parkson pavi, ada lah senarai brg yg mereka perlukan. kalo si A dah beli microwave, list microwave dh kena padam lah. kena tgk apa lg yg ada dlm list tuh.

    kira style omputeh punya majlis lahh..

    bagus jugak. xda lah 4-5 orang dok bagi rice cooker, 3-4 dok beri iron baju. he he

    ~ Bacelah kisah mak salah beli ape!! Haihh

  12. dr singa : jutaan kot. haha

    working mom : i pegi wedding her eldest brother duluuuuuuuuuuu tu...coz he married my cousin. like u, dapat gak la merasa. hiks.

    hanim : tengok jgn tak tengok tau! hehe

    mrs shiv : ameen! hope so too! :-)

    sz mass : kannn! and they look soooo much in love kan. sweet!

    iekaz : yeah so sweet..suka!

    echa : apa susah wedding planner ada kan. keluar duit ja..hehe

    pinkerton : ok lagi la u. i nak beli cawat utk topless men tu pun belum tentu mampu. hahaha

    vee : kaaaaaaaaaaannnnn! hehe

    azmiemas : betul!!!

    miss q : ha'ah mostly diorang memang style camtu skang nih.



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