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Kisah Salleh Gregor Samsa, another Muslim gone astray?

FB has not only be the platform for us to socialize with friends and family, but it has been the platform for a lot of people to fight, to spread lies and so many other bad things. I'm just glad that recently I'm seeing a lot more friends in my network sharing Islamic videos that give us reminder on our bad deeds all these while.

Anyway, I came across this issue in one of the fellow blogger's blog. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it with you guys out there. The issue here is not only about FASTING but it's about NOT believing in Allah S.W.T. Makes us wonder how many of our teenagers nowadays yang dah gone astray from the truth? Or perhaps it's just some propaganda created by the kafirun to make us fight among Muslims? Wallahu'alam.

Whatever it is, we know for sure they will mati kena panah petir! get the most rightful punishment from God! It's only a matter of time.


  1. i pon geram bila baca status budak tu..moga2 dia di beri hidayah la di bulan baik ni..amin

  2. tau pasal si sallhe nie..dia mmg dah sesat..asalnya budak punk dia bila nk tgk fb dia balik dah xde dah..delete..

  3. urm..i pon dah baca email pasal budak ni..kesian to him and to his parents..apelah mak bapak dia nak jawab bila mengadap Allah swt nnt..ish..minta jauh la perkara begini...
    baca ni buat i terkedu and wonder if i could raise my child in safe and with right faith to Allah swt...moga diberi petunjuk, ameen !..

  4. mamat Jiwa kacau tu..kalau baca blog dia boleh buat kita mengucap, istighfar.risau.

  5. AMEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!! Scary kay ... *sigh*

  6. ya Allah.. baca ni terus takut dgn anak2 sendiri nnti kan..
    ish!.. hrp2 si salleh n kwn2 akan dpt hidayah di bln Mulia ni, to rebel is one thing but to ckp benda yg bukan2 is another thing.. hmmphs.

  7. status fb tu kadang kite tak perasan kite dh ter-riak. tapi sbb seronok.. duishh paling xtahan bila klip bebudak sekolah buat bende xsenonoh.. bangga sungguh muka dorg haishh

  8. haihh kesian kat budak ni..harap2 Alla bagi petunjuk.



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