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Perlukah pakai kain basah ketika mandi?

I'm prompted to write about this issue when I received my weekly updates from Baby Center last couple of days. The article talked about toddlers and how keen they are to explore their bodies at this stage. Including their genitals.

To cut story short, it made me realize that the little guy is growing up. He's beginning to notice stuff around him. I'm sure it won't be long before he starts asking me question about his 'bird bird' and stuff. Being an only child, he might not know all about the differences between a girl and a boy yet, except for the stuff that his momma has been teaching him. Like girls can put on makeup, but boys can't. Girls can wear tudung, but boys can't. And so on.

Being with a small kid, I guess it's only common that parents will bathe with them. However, now that the little guy is a toddler and starting to identify stuff and try to understand them, we feel it's only right that we cover up in front of him. I know there are mixed feelings about this issue among parents. But as a Muslim, it is important that we know hukum before we do anything. Right? Correct me if I'm wrong. Even when we're alone in the shower, we're asked to cover up with cloth. Apa lagi depan anak yang dah mula berfikir kan?

Bukan apa, at this age, nanti dia start tanya " Mama apa tu? Apa ni?" Susah pulak nak explain kan! Haha! Anyway, I've also heard that in order to make anak dengar kata, among other things, make them wear kain basah in shower too. And never let them run around naked! As young as possible.

So what's your take in this issue?


  1. ive read about this somewhere.itulah.since rafiq da besar if i mandi kan dia...dia always nak pgg2 his bird2....also...dulu if nak save time i mandi skali dgn dia.but since dia da boleh point itu ini i dah stop.risau jgk kan....

  2. hehehe..dah besar sikit ni diorg mandi sendiriks je...mama tukang tggu kat tepi.. :)

  3. dulu masa duk asrama mmg mandi pakai kain batik. skrg ni jarang2 dah wat gitu huhuhuhu...harus kena mandi berkain batik semula lepas ni. thanks 4 sharing this :)

  4. wah serious? i yg jahil baru tau.hmm..

  5. alamak arri suka ikut i masuk toilet, nasib baik dia tak tanya apa tu mommy, apa ni mommy? hahaha... cuma dia buat muka hairan bin ajaib dan meow2 jer..

  6. haaaa afif pon dah pandai tanye..ape tu??

    hahaha rasenye better cover2 sikit dpn die.

  7. ermmm.... since i belum ada anak lelaki, from the time being i mandi dengan my girl sometimes naked and sometimes i mandikan dia kat tub baby tu.. ahahaha... but definately i tak bagi hubby mandikan... :D

  8. Ye lah, akak setuju..sebelum anak tu cakap yg bukan2 lebih baik kita cover apa yg patut..coz budak2 sekarang lebih smart berbanding kita dulu..

  9. satu hal pulak nak menjemur2 kain basah every time lepas mandi....

  10. i pun dah jarang mandi with abang skrg.
    risau gak dia dh besar. dh pandai mcm2..
    bila i pakai kainbasahan..die puns ama cr pants nk pakai mandi..

  11. even i got doter...mandi same2 i still gune kain basah jgak...biase gune kain dlm kaler itam...i byk jenis satin tuh (bkn laa satin yg jenis licin tuh) sbb senang pakai n senang kerring...perot dh beso ni laie leceh pakai kain batik...nwey mmg tk penah pon bodel2 depan ma doter... mandi sorg2 tuh susah nyer nk sempat lak rase :p

  12. i was once terbaca i artikel tentang pakai kain basahan masa mandi & discussed it with our ustazah kat sekolah dulu. katanya kalo bilik ayaq tu sempit, less than sedepa lebar & panjangnya takpe kalo xpake. tp kalo wider than that, kena pakai kalu x nanti jin masuk dalam badan, duk dalam rahim & dia suka ganggu kita punya kegiatan rahim like kacau kandungan, jdi susah nk lekat ke, salu gugur ke.


    but cemana pun our aurat kita dgn diri sendiri is pusat-lutut juga :) cuma dgn pasangan yg sah kita tiada aurat...

  13. iye u re right i pun ada dgr ustaz pun pernah cakap jangan ingat mandi tuhan tak nampak kita - kalu open air ja tak malu ke malu ke mati pun kita berbalut - iya if kita open ja takut anak pun suka mengikut mandi bogel but now my girls i ask them to shower with their panty on but da nak besar ni maybe kena beralih ke kain basah la



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