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Perempuan Menggedik

I seriously don't understand andartu women who would need other men's advices and comfort when she's confuse or having a fight with her boyfriend. Worse is when it's married men that she's 'disturbing'. I don't understand because I've never been like that. Gaduh kalau settle sendiri lah. Why must involve another MAN in your love life?

Macam-macam dunia ni!


  1. my case lagi hebat budak umur 26 tahun tergila-gilakan laki i walaupun dia tau laki i dah kahwin dan i takmau bermadu..macm-mcm sekarang...mulanya samalah..minta nasihat...last kali terjatuh hati...

  2. fuh..cukup menyampah dgn ppuan gedik cam gini. please...kang blh mengadu kat family members..

  3. Hi Lady, you're absolutely right. Its like the saying, 'washing dirty linen in public'....Every relationship, be it before marriage or married life, there's bound to be hiccups.
    Even the Queen of flowers has thorns....

    And for a married woman if having hiccups with hubby, and discusses with a male friend, habis cherita tu. Like playing with matches.
    Incidentally I was at Wan Hashim's place noticed your callsign and busybody over.

    You have a pleasant weekend and keep a song in your heart, best regards, Lee.

  4. eee..tumpang geram gak yg spesis gini..
    p la cr kawan pompuan lain...
    hal ehwal tagih simpati kang jadik lain plak...huhuhu

  5. i feel u babe...i pon x leh terima pompuan mcm ni...rasa nak cubit2 je huhu

  6. LOL, i know what you mean. aku pun share the same view. kdg2 certain women kata they need a 'guy best friend' kan. come on lah, patut ur hubby or ur bf tu la jadi best friend u ye tak? tak pun, go to ur 'girl best friend' la kan. *ni bukan mode emo tau, hehe... pendapat je*

  7. adoi i pun tak faham apasal dorang tak cerita masalahtu kat kawan perempuan, nak jugak share dengan lelaki...

  8. hmmm gile gedik perempuan type mcm ni. i pun geram. kalau i jumpa perempuan mcm ni siap la esp kalau hasben i die kacau...huhuhu...i garang ni.

  9. ala.. drama nk attention la tu... tp mmg annoying jugak kalau kenal org cam ni

  10. agreee i pun tak faham pompuan yg confide kat laki org ni nak jadi the other women gamaknya - i have yr sentiment dear - dont like them

  11. excuse: mendapatkan pandangan daripada kaum lawan.



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