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Nak Switch to Milo Sebab Jejaka Idaman Minum Milo, boleh?

All these while, I have been preparing a cup of Ovaltine for Irfan to be taken with his breakfast. He loves them just fine.

However, since Bang Nara wrote that jejaka idaman drank Milo and that's why he became cute hebat like that, now I'm thinking to switch to MILO! Especially now that they have the MILO Hidup Bola or whatcamacallit programme, where you can redeem cool cool Adidas Mini Ball by collecting points each time you buy Milo. Not only that, but they're also having such fun  contest as the MILO Hidup Bola games. 

Of course you don't think that I'm gonna participate in that contest, do you? Nak kejar  bola with the little guy pun semput, apa lagi nak lawan ngan all you guys expert footballers out there!  So isn't the big guy, nor the little guy. But perhaps if the little guy starts drinking MILO from now, by the time he's all grown up he would be as good as jejaka idaman. Then his momma could be his manager and get such glorious, glorious attention from the media, as the hottest momma behind the little guy's success!  OH MY! Now I'm even more fired up to switch to the other side!



  1. haha i suka milo ais.. teringat dulu masa sekolah ada lori milo datang, setiap student kene beratur and sorang dapat satu cawan kecik milo sejuk... milo tu sedappppp gilerrrr...

  2. jom minum milo....wahhhh dah verangan jd manager for the little guy eh dah femes nanti jgn lupa sign otograf kita ye :D

  3. Oh I plak dr dulu minum milo, tak pernah minum ovaltine..adekah Nazif akan menjadik gorgeous jugak? hahaha..

  4. semangat klik jejakan idaman-messi rupanya hehe.fuhh..Irfan future football hottie ni.

  5. *tak klik link pun dah tau siapa 'jejaka itu...'

  6. terasa nak buat milo taburrrr ni..jom!

  7. lady : oh milo yang itu memang seeeeeeedaaaappp!

    zarin : hahaaha meh kita sign siap2 nak? :-p

    applecrux : haaaaaa confirm jadi jejaka idaman lepas nih. wakakka

    mila : kalau footballer hebat cam jejaka idaman dapat juta2 tiap2 tahun...momma nya sukaaa!hehe

    dr singa : muahahaaahhaha! the one and only. :-p

    sz mass : sedaaaaaaaaaapnya!!!

  8. hohoohoh...saya bukan penggemar tegar sekali sekali minum jugak kalu teringin sgt...suke milo kat mcd ..cedap ! :)

  9. Eesya kalau hari ni minum MILO, mesti esok tak melepas.. hahaha.. tatau aa apsal.. so kalau dia nak minum pun, kasik selang sehari.. dah aa dia sangat suka milo tu.. haihhh...

  10. saya memang suka minum milo.. ;) lagi2 milo ais tabur....



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