I can't remember when was the last time I bought myself a new lipstick. Most of the time I'm more comfortable applying lip gloss on my lips rather than lipsticks. That's because whenever I go lipstick shopping, I tend to pick up colors that are too strong for my skin and ended up looking...ermmmm...either too Gothic or just plain weirdo!
Anyway, I've been wanting to try SimplySiti products for quite sometimes, and so took the opportunity to get a lipstick from that brand. I found this one color called 'Nirmala' - yeah she named them after her songs - and quite like it. It gives me a nude look for the lip part, so I can tenyeh how much i want without looking like a clown!
The color is just sooo nude that it doesn't look like I've put on any lipstick at all now, does it?
Ada ja orang tu nak menyibuk kat belakang tetiba!
I won't say this lipstick is the best of them all. But for the price that I paid, it's considered not bad lah. It's not very long lasting though, but come to think of it, all the lipsticks that I've been using are not long lasting. Even though some of them claimed to be. I wonder why? Perhaps I'm too ganas kot ehhh?!?!? Hiks.

lawa la.. i suka colour2 nude cenggini sebab i jenis tenyeh gak heheheh....
ReplyDeletewalaupun nude color cam tak pakai apa2 but DM still nmpk cun ;-)
ReplyDeleteganaz???? hmm (sambil garu2 dagu)
it's good to have very fair skin y know. i hardly can feel confident to wear nude lipstick or gloss. nampak mcm pucat!
nanti boleh tanya kat kaunter...
ReplyDeletelipstik 'cindai' ada?
blusher 'Datuk K' ada?
sweetnya dia..
ReplyDeletesy pun dah lama x beli lipstik. suka pakai lipgloss je. sy ni jenis 'makan' lipstik. ganaz la jugak tu kan hehe..
lady : kannnnn. i memang minah tenyeh. ekekekkekeke
ReplyDeleteaka ratu : thanks *blush* hiks
isabelle : hahahaha...well, actually i pun terfikir maybe boleh mix2 ngn other colors as well kalau nak nampak more colors to it. but i'm kinda loving it for the moment, this color i mean. hehehe
eis : hahaha sama lah kita!
ReplyDeletedr. singa : hahahahahhaha! blusher Datuk K, kena pi tnaya kat datuk k sendiri. kwang kwang kwang
u memang bagusla..cepat btul try bende2 baru ni hihihi..untuk santai2 kaler nude tu memang ok.
ReplyDeletelawa2...i ske kale2 nude jgak..dulu ader gune maybelline nyer ..hubby (time tuh bf laie) pon ske...pehtuh dh discontinued...boring tol asyek discontinued...
ReplyDeletemase wedding antaran ritu ade jumpe estee laude nyer..lawa kale2 nude dier... :D
normally yg longlast ni sure lipstik kaler2 terang2 sket...pink ker...merah2 ceklet ker...pehtuh yg tk shining2 kan...haa bejaman le kale tuh betahan...tp tak syiokk :D ala2 makngah nanti :D
farah : hehehe..saja nak menghabiskan duit ;-)
ReplyDeleteiefa : haaa maybelline nya best gak. tapi slalu cepat habis. leceh.
haaaa i pun tak minat kalau terang2 sangat. mak ngah habisss! hiks
ehhh, cantik la u pakai nude colour tu. suits u very well :-)
ReplyDeleteI kalau bab lipstick ni, bila try kat counter nampak ok bila balik pakai mcm tak sesuai plak.
macam mana tu....
eh sama la..i pun suka nirmala..x beli tp penah try eheheh..betul², ckp long lasting tapi tak pun..tipu kan :P
ReplyDeletehahaha comelnye la tukang sibuk tu.. hahahha..
ReplyDeletearitu my sis pon kata nk try simplysiti tapi xtau la nk try ape.. i tunggu aje sbb i pakai estee, dior etc.. eh bukan, bukan i beli.. i songlap la ape lagiiii hahahah everytime my sis beli mekap, sure i dapat.. so tunggu ye i punye simplysiti hahahahaha..
sy suka nude2 nie..pastu letak gloss sikit br nmpak shining2..he he he...
ReplyDeletenmpak mcm dato ct lah drama mama...:)
yeah like ur wearing no make up at all ... hahah ... i was eyeing on simplySiti as well but the 2-1 one ... lipstick and lip-gloss ... cam menarik tertarik aja ...
ReplyDeleteye lor...ur lips color looks very natural in those pics
ReplyDeletelil sharky : we haf the same prob then! ;-)
ReplyDeleteeliza : tu lah. tah apa2. kejap2 dah abes lipstick kena tenyeh lagi. haha
ely : tukang sibuk suka nyibuk. wahhhh kelass youuu pakai mekap mahal jekk..hiks. meh mintak ur sister pass sini sikit bole? hahaha
hanim : aik baru pakai lipstick SS dah nampak cam Dato' CT? hahahaha
papakeechee : beli jgn tk beli
ravishingpeacock : natural kan ;-)
ala kak bai. testimoni lipstik ke..igt simply5..huhu... neway, fid pun suke nude colors sebab tk nampak mcm makcik2 (ops!) my fav would be loreal (tak igt ape jenis dah) kaler sweet nude. yummy!