I'm feeling so much better today. Especially after the comforting words I got from you guys and my friends in FB. Thanks for the support!
Last night, demi mengubati hati yang lara, the husband brought me to dine out because I wasn't in the mood to cook. Since we had some business to do in QB, we decided to dine there. We were actually torn between Kenny Rogers or Nandos. I loveeeee KR delicious muffins but I just can't resist the calling of the Peri Peri Chicken!
So Nandos it was. I had my usual 1/4 Extra Hot Peri Peri with Peri Chips and Peri Potato Salad, the same meal for for the big guy with different sidelines and Kiddies Plate for the little guy.
"Sepinggan pekak ni sepuloh ringgit???", asked the big guy. Haha! Tolonglah jangan cheapskate sangat you! :-p
There was nothing extra-ordinary happened last night. But I just would like to thank that 'someone', because of her I got to dine out last night. Sila lah dengki ya someone! Sila. Hahaha! :-p
So just for the sake of you my readers, I would like to post the question of the day : BETWEEN KENNY ROGERS AND NANDOS, which do you like better?! Cast your afundi now!

both skrg x leh coz waktu sblm preggy....punya baham...so bila preggy...dia alah lak kat yg tuh...
ReplyDeleteNandos for me!!
ReplyDeletei go kenny anytime.. :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely Nandos ! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about other people but I don't really like KR coz I feel like the chicken is "tak masak sangat" ...huhu
afundi KR! haha.. kalau Qbay, tunjuk jusco card, beli muffin 6 dapat 8.. :p
ReplyDeletewatie : masa preggy irfan aku alah chicken gaks. hehe
ReplyDeleteami : hahhh...sauce dia kecur air liur kan
anasfadilah : mr.kenny's fan hah! :-)
shariz : i could never finish KR's chicken. tapi the gravy i like :-)
are_shie : *terbeliak bijik mata* serious??? wahhh banyaknya u beli muffin dia! hahaha...neway thx 4 d info. kena try beli gak nih. :-)
i prefer ayamas.haha..xde dlm list.
ReplyDeleterecently i blogged about chickens too http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/2010/05/ayam-ciken.html
i suka muffin kat KR tapi i laaaaagi suka Nandos sebab kepedasan dia tu mmg memenuhi citarasa i... i suka their hit peri2... grilled vegies, and mediterranean rice...
ReplyDeletewill definitely go for nandos!!!!! sodaaaap...
ReplyDeleteKR punya chicken kurengggg sikit lerrr
hands down Nandos!! KR portions are too little la and mahal plak tu ... huhuhu ...
ReplyDeleteGlad you're feeling better ... hope our sunday date jadi ... lemme know ya ^_^
afundi pakcik janggut country singer!!!
ReplyDeletecomel irfan berambut kontot!!!
i suka both!! (depending on moods jugak la)
ReplyDeletekenny- love the muffins & mac & cheese (tp menyampah sbb since naik harga i rasa mahal, ayam makin kecik huh!)
nandos- bila ngidam nk makan masam2 & love the old style chips :)
wah!!!! u makan yg extra hot.. boleh geng dgn my hubby...hihihihihihi....
ReplyDeleteafundi nandos!!!! yeah!!!!!! i mmg suka nandos sgt2 tp KR muffin mmg can't resist... oh!
both pon i lioke!
ReplyDeletei love Nandos more :D
ReplyDeleteNANDO's anytime! i really like quarter chicken hot... then kat sini discovered portuguese roll bbq, mcm burger with grilled fillet, onions, peri mayo n salad. kat msia ada x ek? x ingat pulak. uhhh roti dia sedap... and the sauteed onions mmg buat lagi amat sedap! eeiii suka sgt sos peri peri!!! (sorry bai, over excited pulak)
ReplyDeletesaya afundi KR.yes KR!
ReplyDeletemesti la nando's yang..hehe (tgh gila makan nando' s skang nyeh..hehe
ReplyDeletei ske ayam nandos..i ske side dishes KR...tp if kuar ngan maisarah kiteorg pilih KR sbb ader mufin macaroni etc2...hihihi
ReplyDeletebut now both nandos n KR nk muntah tgk...