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Benda comel kalau letak kat bilik comel, sure bertambah2 comel semuanya!

It's been too long since the last time we bought anything for the house. Kesian rumah. Kalau 'dia' boleh merajuk, sure dah merajuk.

So I found this pic on FB. I was and still is drooling over it. It's ultra cute! I can already imagine how gorgeous it would look standing besides the cupboard in Irfan's room. Perhaps we can sumbat some of his toys, diapers stock and whatnot in there. But then again, do I really want to waste money on something I WANT rather than something that WE NEED??? Haish...temptation, temptation!

Btw, it's selling at RM180, from Bumblebee. Anyone interested, sila cari di kedai bayi berhampiran anda!


  1. *saliva dripping*
    kalaula i ada anak, benda ni antara yg pertama akan dibeli utk dihias dlm bilik.. comelnyeeee!!! (kalau anak pompuanla, takde maknenye baby boys nak kasik hiasan butterfly, haha!)

  2. h : alaaaa boys takleh ka??? tapi irfan suka butterfly, so kira halal lah. hahaha alasan baeekkk punya ;-)

  3. wallah cutenya...
    susah le sbb i mmg tak bole tgk bnda cute hahahahaahhah

  4. haha... hari tu pun sangat nak beli this one.. tapi rasa cam kurang perlu gak kan.. tapi sangat cute.. huhu

  5. wow sangat comel... memang elok kalau buat tempat letak irfan punya toys kan... for boys pun ok ape..kan ada bee kat atas tu hehe.. cute!

  6. sisdee : haaa apa lagi, cepat tergoda! haha

    are_shie : ehhh okie lah kalau beli utk eesya, dia boleh kemas2 toys semua simpan dalam nih *tumbuh tanduk nak hasut suh beli* hahaha

    lady : cute eh? untuk boys ok jugakkk kannn???? *mula la nak termakan hasutan ni*

  7. letak dalam bilik saya pun oke gak .

    tapi kena bergaduh dulu dgn Damia lah ... hahah

  8. hi drama mama... sorry menyampuk :)
    actually i pun suka drawer ni when i found it at another blogshop. the one that i found gambar animals, so comel sgt2 for boys. she's selling it for RM170. tp bila i pi kedai dia, i tgk drawer tu kecik than expected la. nampak lam gambar cam besaq sket kan... terus i tak jadik beli sbb bila pk balik letak barang sket nak penuh.. huhu. tp geram ar sbb comel sgt2...

  9. ah ha sgt comel!!! kalau ada baby gurl mesti lagi matching kan ... hehehe ...

  10. kalau tak dak anak lagi pun teringin...hehe

  11. so tu i beli tuk my baby simple je..kalau lah jumpa yg mcm ni..
    tp kat Jb tu konpom susah nk cr yg cantik2 mcm ni.

    so cute...

  12. Oooooo mak aiiii....mahai giloo..tak beli dah laa kot..cukup ngan lemari yg ada laa nanti..kih kih kih..almaklom laa umah sempit..bilik apatah lagik..huhuu

  13. linda : hahahaha gadoh jgn tak gadoh. hiks

    haibibi : oh yaka? but it does look small even in the pics, sbb tu lah dok fikir beribu kali. cute vs. practicality. hehe

    papakeechee : cute kan? boys pun okie kot since the colour is universal!!! besides irfan already got all the soft toys in the room, so it'll complement each other. weeeeeeeee!

    sleeping beauty : kannnn :-)

    kancilbiru : boleh jugak dibeli untuk diri sendiri hiks

    ella : haaa kat penang pun taktau la. i tengok ni online. haha

    imma : ala dah ada rumah sendiri nanti sure excited nak menghias. time tu bole la beli utk adik boboy. hehehe



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