Anyway, life was pretty mundane and bored while the hubs was away. And to make it worse, I was hoping that he'd come back with some tudung Indon for me but guess what? He came back home WITHOUT a souvenir for moi! Well, fridge magnet DOES NOT count as a souvenir when it's from our own husband, right people?
Luckily before I started sulking he brought me for a shopping spree. Well, as long as I got to be his personal shopper, that's good enough to
Now, will anyone volunteer to bring me to Jakarta/Bandung so I can shop till I drop?

xpatut..xpatut.hehe..even if my husband p pasar mlm pun nk gak die bwk something for me..hahaha
ReplyDeletep/s:why not u ask him to bring u there? =)
inche isteri : lucky you! btw, that last line is a hint for Mr. No-Souvenir himself. hehehehe
ReplyDeletepapi xberani buat gitu.. tp papi exceptional sbb dia yg kaki soping dari i.. dia sanggup masuk vic secret patu suh salesgirl tu pilihkn thong utk i.. bleh?? amin kena bwk u g jakarta/bandung.. patu kena ajak kitorg sekalik wakakkakakaka
ReplyDeletehahaha.. u kena mintak dia ganti nampaknya.. dia terlalu khusyuk tu shopping tu sampai terlupa kekek
ReplyDeleteely : haaa lucky you papi kaki shopping! serious dia suh sales girl pilih thong for u????? hahahahaha cool lah papi! eh, u sila mai penang dulu before kita pi jakarta ka mana hala tu semua hahaha
ReplyDeleteliana : tu lah. khusyuk dok meeting sampai tak pi shopping pun. tsk tsk tsk
Sama kes mcm i lah ni..kalau tak pesan,..tak beli,..bila pesan baru beli..tensi..
ReplyDeletemust bring something (no keychains, fridge magnets,plz) from any business trips..for wifeys/fianceys/gfs... =) that's relationship 101
ReplyDeletealaaaa....ciannye dia.... erm... me kalo gi bandung tu mmglah akan shop till drop!!! and pokai... maybe u can join me... ekekekeke.......
ReplyDeletehahah!!! kelakar beutl la ngko ni!!! firsst, aku rasa lawak giler about that blogger tegar thingie... then merajuk pak tak de hadiah!! hahahahaha... tapi ye la... at least la tudung indon ke seketul ke kan...
ReplyDeleteYah -- lain kali tok sah dok bagi hint-hint.. Cakap direct ja apa benda yang nak, kalau boleh bagi gambar sample sekali.. wakakaka...
ReplyDeleteFYI -- Abg Nasir is advance in that sense.. Memandangkan Yong lagi banyak travel than him, whenever he knows I'm going somewhere, he will research what he specifically wants, tangkap gambar (on the hp), make sure I refer to that picture..
Kalau tak dak specific benda that he wants, he knows by now I know how to pick out things yang ada aesthetic value for him -- ya la orang seni hias ni memang specific tastenya..Tapi kekadang terbabas jgk..tak on target..
Lagipun Yah -- you must understand travelling for work is not the same as travelling for holiday.. kadang2 meeting full day, tak sempat nak kuaq shopping. Kalau sempat pun, tak banyak tempat yg bukak sampai tengah malam.. Kadang2 Yong punya shopping for other people, bila balik baru realise that I did not buy a single thing for myself.. Kesian tau :(
Azmiemas : In my case, pesan tapi tak beli. hangin ka tak? grrrrrrr
ReplyDeleteNay : ohhh, tell me more about the relationship 101. hehehe
fiza : that's what i heard happen to most ppl! jommm nak ikut!
zoora : aku memang clown, tah apa2 ja. hiks. haaa at least seketul tudung pun ok la kan tsk tsk
Yong : fuhhh! abg nasir dahsyat okeh! haaa Yong, I know that's the problem, because dia travel for business, he was the only one from Malaysia and most importantly, HE'S HOPELESS IN THE SHOPPING DEPARTMENT. kalau what i asked for specifically takdak kat the place they brought him to, then he dunno what else to buy, so end up tak beli lah.
perhaps you could give amin some shopping tips for buying souvenirs for spouse? thank you. :-p
hehehe.kesian bai.
ReplyDeleterasa2nya kena mogok mcm aritu lagi...
isabelle : good idea! thanks for the suggestion hahahaha
ReplyDeletebabe, I rasa shopping kat medan or Yogyakarta pun nice jugak ehehe
ReplyDeleteHehehe.. seriously ur hubby need to have a session with me on shopping for your spouse when travelling.. Ala paling susah pun, kalau tak sempat pun, grab aja la apa2 yang nice kat airport tu.. jadila kan ;)
ReplyDeleteyatie : yaka? got cheap stuff tak? hehehe
ReplyDeleteanom : haha yeah he did grabbed the fridge magnet from airport...and some indon looking bracelet for the twins and that's it! hehe
alamak fridge magnet saja ka ?? I was thinking along the line of perfume, handbag or pieces of clothing ka.. keh, keh, keh.. memang nak kena brainwash Amin ni...hehehehe...