"Don't think on how to sell, but how to keep on selling".
In order to achieve that, I believe that we need to practice a good customer service so people would come back to you for the stuff you offer. Can you agree with me on that?
Anyway, I've came across najjah.com while bloghopping and came to love the tudung they sell, despite having read here that their customer service is BAD. So I ordered one tudung and waited for it to arrive, but it didn't. After checking with them, it seems that the pos laju person tried to deliver the parcel but no one was home, so the delievery couldn't be done. I called the post office people, and they told me to come pick it up at the main post office, which is like at the other end of Penang, from where we live.
But I was still ok with it, until........ I got the reply from the one handling my order on behalf of Najjah.Com. She was not only NOT COURTEOUS, but she was totally rude, putting the blame on me on the fact that I didn't include my contact number in my order, so the postmen couldn't call me.
"...Unable to deliver the item due to addressee not available at time of delivery. maybe u xde kat rumah kot time diorg anta parcel...u pun x bg contact no cane posmen nak call...xkan posmen x tinggalkan surat suruh pick up kat post office ekk...blh x u call no ni customer service posline 1-300-300-300 spy u blh trace parcel u sekarang ni berada di mana...."
Well, that's her exact reply to me. I don't mind so much having to pick up my stuff at the post office, but the least she could do is to be courteous in replying the email. At least say that you're 'sorry for any inconvenience caused' instead of twisting the whole thing and putting blame on others. Though you might not think that it was your fault, but still! Have you people ever heard of GOOD AFTER SALE SERVICE?!? That's exactly the quality that differentiate one product from another. Anyone can sell tudung, but NOT EVERYONE can make their customers happy while doing it.
I'm doing an online business too, and I've had tough customers just as well. But I learned from mistakes and tried my very best to keep them happy, just so they would be returning to order the products that I have to offer.
But I guess Najjah.Com didn't. Because we've had complaints about them here and who knows how many others that I haven't come across, and here they were doing it again to another customer. You people better brush up your customer service skills, or else, you will be losing more and more customers soon.
Well, all I know is that you have just lost one!

exactly! i had bad after sale service with my wedding photog. trauma gile! padahal byr ribu raban gak. diorang cuma pentingkan royalties and celebrities. rasa cam nak kawin lagi sekali (with my husband of cos) and choosing another bunch of other talented photogs. yang offer lagi murah pun ada. hmph. customer is always right!
ReplyDeletei penah beli ngan najjah.com but then tak kene plak camni.. hurm~ she shouldn't say that.. sepatutnye dia yg mintak contact no ngan u sbb dia pon tau klau nk pos nk kene letak contact no.. ape la.. tak patut btol..
ReplyDeletetak sepatutnya cakap camtu kan.. customer kena la cakap bebaik.. sumber pendapatan tu kan... mgkin itu fes and las la kot...
ReplyDeleteaikkk camne dia boleh tak mintak no phone u yer.. biasanya apa pun urusan no phone tu penting... i pun buat online shop jual tudung jugak..
ReplyDeletenmpak sangat dia pentingkan barang terjual tp tak kisah sama ada customer puas hati atau tak..
agaknya dia dh kaya sgt kot tu tak kisah dengan kualiti servis....
siannye u.. bleh plak pi ckp cmtu kat u.. sbnrnye dia la bongok.. apehal xtnya contact no u? if i send something i totally dig all info sbb if xsmpai bukan customer yg salah i la salah buat keje xcomplete. if staff i ckp 'org nih xkasik kontek no' sure i ckp blk napa u bodoh tak mintak? eeeiii eeeiii eeiiii okek i busuk ati n batu api jua.. semoga u dpt la tudung tu...
ReplyDeleteisk camana pun cust tetap betul, itu apa yg i belajar masa jadi cust service dengan astro dulu... jarang nak blame cust even tho some os the cases tu mmg salah dorang... courtesy tu penting kan...
ReplyDeletekalau akak,..sekali tu jer lah..akak takkan beli lagi..after sales service tu sebenarnya tersangat lah penting..tapi..hampeh kan??..
ReplyDeletelenkali sanggup beli kat kedai..senang..
yup, customer service sgt penting. kalau setakat brg je bagus tp customer service sgt teruk, org takkan beli lg dh kat kedai/org tu
ReplyDeletecustomers are not always right...but still they are the customers...
ReplyDeleteKesian you... i baca pun geram. Apa salahnya jawab email elok2. The people answering emails there should be sent to an email etiquette class laa...cos the person who answered my emails to najjah.com was also not so polite (not rude but bukan bahasa ber'bisnes' laa). But since I had no problems getting my barang I just brushed it off. Tapi lepas baca ur post and the link... trus jadi geram.
ReplyDeletethanks everyone for your comment. I guess i'm just one of those yang terkena with this bad email etiquette from them. Customers are not ALWAYS right, true indeed. But no matter what, you still want business from them so the least you could do is being courteous, that's all I ask from them. I guess the higher management of Najjah.Com should really look into this prob seriously and take appropriate measures to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.
ReplyDeletesiannya u.xpatutlah dia jwb camtu.sllu i if shop online.if ada prob cmni,dorang yg setelkan.call post ofis,trace parcel sume.xpandai jg ati customer cmni..
ReplyDeleteurghh i baca pun tumpang geram, coz i pon sgttt benci bad customer service jugak tskk!
ReplyDeletewhat a bad service..so next time lebey baik k.yah tak yah beli online,selalunya mmg macam tu..tp the way depa reply email tu macam agak kurengs ajo sikit,nak buat business tp BODOH! ooppss, ter EMO plakk..
ReplyDeleteada juga org bisnes mcm ni ye.
ReplyDeletenakjawab tu biarlah courtesy sikit kan..
x pandai jaga hati customer betul...
if like this, it's not just one..
ReplyDeleteseveral others too.. just from reading your review.
I hate these kind of cust service..
That’s so appalling! The least she could do is to apologise first, then inform you of what’s to be done and rectified. Thou customer is at fault, sellers should think long-term on how to keep and maintain a loyal customer base. Kalau mcm ni, sekali je lah, I beli from the seller.
ReplyDeletehuh..ape punye orang buat bisnes cam ni..takreti bahasa lansung!
ReplyDeletebagusla u buat post ni bai..biar padan muke depa..ingat customer takde hak ke nak bersuara.
woh!ini sudah menimbulkan kemarahan.
ReplyDeletesib baek ada blog.so we can spread the words..hehehe
ouch. that was bad.. same as semua ckp kat sini.. kalau saya la sekali je la.. and thanks for bringing this up here, so that kami semua tka kena jugak kes yg sama. suppose these online shop have to aware that most people buying online are internet savvy.. once they blew their reputation, kejap je tersebar. so those having online shp, service kena bagus. sbb bagus. kejap je jugak tersebar betpaa bagusnya u all.. kan kan kan
ReplyDeleteSalam Siti... I've read you comments about najjah's service.... you know what.... I'm really glad you linked it to my fb.... I was equally upset when I read my staff's answer to you.... I did confronted her myself & she did try to explain.. But than again to be fair to her.... i guess sometimes one's intonation could not be expressed in a written message... But I do get what you're trying to say. Ayat tu memang sakit hati bila baca... Im really sorry...sometimes I do wish I would have the time to answer all of the orders myself.... But unfortunately I need my staff to do it for me. But don't worry.... I'm upgrading Najjah's website... hence less communication with the staff.... It's more computer generated. but still if you have any more complaints do contact me directly via my mobile... maaaaaaf sgt.... camnilah sementara staff nak pandai.... tiap-tiap hari dok pesan... :(