This can't be, I thought to myself. I HAD TO BUY something good to be absorbed in at night, when Irfan is asleep and I got nothing better to do than watching Desperate Housewives! I was in a dire need for a good book to curl in bed with! But we were in a rush and there was no time to even glance through the New Arrival sections, so I just grabbed another bedtime stories for Irfan instead. Sigh. I was pretty much disappointed as the urge doesn't come as frequent nowadays and I didn't get to fulfill the urge when it came this time around. But well, to look on the bright side, at least Irfan loves the Goodnight Little Moon series I got for him and had been asking me to read it for him every night before he goes to sleep.
That's Goodnight Little Moon at the farthest back. I love it because it's got an extremely short story compared to the rest of his books! Heeeeee..such a lazy bum mama I am. :-p
What about me? I guess I would just resort to re-read the book I got from a dear friend during my confinement. They're hilarious, you know! They'd surely put me to sleep with a self-satisfying chuckle AND a huge smile on my face.
Now, if you think I'm gonna let go of the urge for a good bedtime companion, think again! I'm really gonna get my hands on them one of these days, so any recommendations on the latest good books you are hooked on?

wah both boy and mama dia ada bedtime story books.. i bedtime story i jengah ke blog2 ekeke
ReplyDeleteas for me the shopaholics series from sophie kinsella mmg buat i sengih sorang2 masa baca...u dah baca all 5 of the series?
ReplyDeletesy masih trying hard to finish my New Moon (ahaks..malu). btw, mama irfan, jom kita exchange2 buku.. i would love to borrow the "girls are weirdo' books...tengok dari jauh pon suda jatuh chenta..don't you think it's a great idea? (haha..plz say u do)
ReplyDeletezura kasik tips cmne nk baca stori. i dh la bukan pembaca orgnye. baca utk sami kan.. dia pon sebok nk baca n nk conquer buku cess padahal i kan over kalu bercerita. langsung dia xberminat .. ces again.. (ikut i la kot ek hahaa)
ReplyDeletetat's a very good habit which is good la since both mak and anak enjoys it kan. For arees and his mother plak our bedtime companion is having NO LIGHTs. That would keep us knocked out for the whole nite!
ReplyDeleteI've decided to stay anonymous la ... malas nak log in ... heheheh
Papakeechee ^_^
hahah same here. every night i have to read books for zahraa.. she will scream kuku!!!!! if i dont.. and then she will slap my face i fall asleep while reading.. huhuhu nasty huh?? mak kena dera dgn anak ni... zahraa dont really like those stories that i had to blab about. dia suka buku yg kit aboleh describe whats happening and all. her favorite is buku2 about animals, this one buku what should we say, an islamic book. for me, I am now hooked up with novel pahlawan islam from pts - best giler.. stories that i dont know before. at first kononya suapaya nanti boleh cerita kat anak2 about pahlawan islam la kan.. tapi at last diri sendiri mesmerised, kagum dgn diorang semua. at last tertido sambil bersyukur banyaknya nikmat tuhan bagi kita.. try la satu! the best is tariq's khalid's and sultan muhammad al fateh
ReplyDeleteGIRLS ARE WEIRDOS - aww! chomelnya buku tuu..
ReplyDeleteHaih, buku atau rak i berabuk dah!!
ReplyDeletedh lama xbeli buku for myself.. huh.. rindu nyer..
ReplyDeleteAhahahahahaha.. I'm so glad you like that book hehe.. ye lah, mase tu takkan nak bg adiah at Irfan je, had to give (mcm dipakse je) something to the mum. Nak bg novel ke, konpem tak sempat bace so I just thought that bokk would be perfect since dia tid-bits je kan :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy to know you like it :):):)
Ni hint utk November nnt kaaaaaaa? How bout hint for tomorrow? =p
tak sabar nk gi pesta buku KL..nk cari buku Modern Tropical Garden Design by Made Wijaya..kui..kui..mcm la baca..tgk gambaq je..
ReplyDeleteur book sgt comey tau...ngan tulisan2 gitu...hihihii sure bleh ilang boring...but for me tk jd tdo laa nanti :p
ReplyDeletebooks! the thickest novel i've ever read was "kafka on the shore" by haruki murakami back in 2006. page turning n hooked after you got thru the slow first quarter.
ReplyDeleteif any of you like short fun poems, u should get "where the sidewalk ends" by shel silverstein. funny poems with funny illustrations. great for mums, kids, teachers n people of all ages :) i'd have to get a copy for myself too.