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Yes, it matters. Because I'm not the hot chick!

Some people blog to make friends. Some people blog to share experiences. Some people blog to share interests with other bloggers and some people blog to make money. Whatever their intention is, I believe every blogger has his/her own right to write about anything they would want to share with their readers, regardless of grammatical errors and what nots. ;-)

WHAT ABOUT ME? I blog to share my opinions and experiences too. Some people might get hurt and offended with what I've written so far, thousands of apologies to all of them. Though there are bloggers out there whose main purpose of writing are to condemn and 'kick someone's ass' in the process because it attracts trillions of traffics to their blog makes them feel superior when they put other people down, I beg to differ from that kind of intention to blog. Because I believe in the saying : What Goes Around Comes Around, thanks to my little cuppy cakes, gum drops, for reminding me once too often every time my devilish horns started to show up on that little frizzy head of mine.

Why am I babbling nonsense, now? The main reason behind all those craps I wrote above is : just recently while I was busy with my other blog, this drama-ish blog of mine has gained it's 100 followers. Oh yeah, it's just 100 I know, nothing to be proud of. Hanis Zalikha has 5998 followers (the last time I checked) and she never made a big deal about it now, did she? Well, that's because she's the hot sexayyyy chick, you people! While me, I'm just a happily married old lady about to enter the big OH THREE, and her main daily accomplishment would be to be able to fatten up her boys so people won't accuse her of stealing her husband's and son's portions of meals. So, of course! Having a hundred followers IS a big deal to me.

So I'm gonna go all grammy-ish now and would like to thank all of you for reading this humble blog of mine. I wish to make more friends for years to come, never make enemy, and gain thousands of benefits from this activity.

And to all the people around the world... HAPPY BLOGGING!


  1. me too im not hot chick...hahahahahah...but i really love to read ur blog plus hanis blog hahahaha...

    tak kisah le ni pn still bes gak apa heheheh

  2. sisdee : thanks a lot! ur blog is nice jugakkk, and i'm not saying this to kiss ur ass kayyy..hahaha :-)

  3. baizurah, ur for sure 1 hot mama!!!

  4. first time visitor, and yes agree with everything you say especially the 'condemned' part because recently i found a blog specially made by an ex-school mate to express how much hatred she gained on me during our school times and until now.
    thank you for making my day better just by posting such reality!!

  5. huiyoooo....ada 107 orang followers...kerekla kamu....bhahahahahaha.....

  6. funny how we wrote about the same topic :D i too, blog for personal pleasure, not so much as a side income or to gain publicity

  7. 1) Tahniah dah semakin ramai follower :-)

    2) Kalau u cakap u tua, ai lagi tua tau haha...age is just a number ;-)

    3) Hot atau tidak bukan ukuran kejayaan blog kita...masing2 ada pembaca tersendiri...

    4) Kekadang dari penulisan dlm blog kita boleh tahu perwatakan hati2 dgn apa yg kita tulis...

    5) Keep on blogging k ;-)

  8. yay! looks like u have 107 followers at the moment! keep on increasing. sungguh fofularrr la u! hehe. btw, me love reading your blog kak bai. :))

  9. i rasa u cun.. terbeliak mata i tgk entry u time u sebok gatal pakai eye shadow.. betoi lah irfan cakap.. tanteeek.....

  10. we're in the same path here baizurah..tula what comes around go better be careful kalau nak buat tak elok kang orang lain.

  11. yeay to baizurah!i'm proud to say that i know u since school :D hik3....terasa cam kwn ngan celebrity plak.

  12. nadiah : yeah u too dear ;-)

    fiza : tapi takleh lawan u hehe :-p

    anymm : hmmm,that's the reality. just let it be, tak perlu layan orang2 macam ni:-)

    the zonan factor : gua memang kerekkkkkks! haha

    shairil : oh same topic eh. i guess lotsa bloggers love to write bout this topic..hehe

    eynda : thanks for ur words of wisdom :-)

    lady : thanks...and u too! :-)

    lea : i loveeeeeeeee your blog too! ur one hot mama ;-)

    ely : hahaha over la u makcik..terbeliak biji mata toing toing! wakakaka :-p..itu gambar ja...angle baeeekkk punya, real life i sememeh okeh!

    farah : yessss, nak buat and cakap apa pun takut lani hehehhe

    amy : haha over tau hang nih! wakakaka



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