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Diarrhea diarrhea please go away!

Irfan has been having diarrhea for almost 5 days, but it's not as bad now as when it started end of last week. We've tried the traditional method from 'mum's recipe' : to let him drink air nasi yang almost cooked. It worked for a few hours but this boy would want to eat other things as well besides his plain porridge so it would trigger back the purging. For instance, yesterday morning he was begging for peanut butter sandwich, and this morning he made a sad, pitiful face while asking to share my breakfast; potato and egg sandwich. How could I say no to him?

So, later today we just gonna have to go see the paed, but to get him to eat his medicine like a good boy is another thing. I'm sure he would vomit them out, together with all his isi perut when we feed him the med later. Let's just see how it goes!

Any of you have any other method to cure the purging, according to your "mum's or grandma's secret recipe", do share with me ya!


  1. cian Irfan..hmm..kalu org tua2 leh bg minum air teh Irfan xleh minum teh plak.

  2. petua untuk kanak2 im not so sure...
    org kata badan jadik letih kan asyik kuar masuk toilet.. some ppl minum 100plus kasi energy balik... tapi i tgak sure kids boleh minum or not... lagi satu air kelapa.. tapi org kata kalau makan ubat tak boleh minum air kelapa kan..
    tapi kene minum air banyak yea.. skrg cuaca terlalu panas..
    semoga cepat sembuh...

  3. mama irfan, baru ni najiha pn CB smpai 1 minggu. antara petua2 org yg i tried, minum jus limau sunkist,minum teh (tak lah pekat) but not much diff. Doc ckp, kurangkan susu, cairkn susunya, avoid anything yg lactose (najiha da mmg intolerence), done that and ada 1 ubat doc, najihah now da okay.. hope irfan sembuh cepat.

  4. ala i sedih laa.. xleh pk la kalu baby kena cm gini.. huwaaaaa...

    early jan aritu time sami warded mmg kitorg tpaksa go with the flow.. tunggu aje smpai abis dia muntah and ceri beri go away.. ala helpless nye.. semoga irfan cepat sembuh okkk.. auntie ely kiss u.. kiss kiss

  5. mama..sama lah irfan dengan tia mia..kesian dia orang kan..i cuma bagi makan ubat doctor jer..but yesterday my sister reminded me of our traditional method..always work well with adult but i tak der masa nak cari and buat lagi..simple jer rebus daun jambu batu..worked so good with org dewasa so far.My tia mia dah quite okay this morning otherwise i nak try jugak..rasa dia macam air teh..pahit sikit.

  6. Kesiannya Irfan, semoga cepat sembuh ya!!

  7. dia minum air teh yg takdak gula..but jgn laa sesudu dua jaa..then later after half an hour atau sejam bagi lagi sesudu dua..insyaAllah OK..jgn lupa kasik minum ayaq masak more minum 100Plus..the same way too..bagi la minum sikit dalam suku or stgh cawan kecik jaa..ulang laa dalam stgh jam or sejam after that..minum 100Plus ni advise dari Dr Pantai hosp masa anak kakak admit sometime last year..

    Irfan the good boy..kena makan ubat taw..bagi cepat sembuh..3 weeks is not the long time to go..nanti kita nak pi jenjalan highlander kann... ~wink wink~



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