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Birthmark on babies because mother has sinned?

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Have you ever seen people with a noticeable greenish black birthmark on any part of their body? I've seen few people with it. Irfan has got a 'birthmark' or at least that's what we think it is, on the back of his right earlobe. It's like a hole, or a dimple. And it looks like he has had his ears pierced since he was born.

Anyway, just recently, a friend gave birth to a cute baby boy, and the boy got the green birthmark on his leg. Shockingly, I heard somebody remarked that the baby has the birthmark because his mother has sinned a lot before this. I was dumbfounded, but since I don't have knowledge regarding this I just kept my mouth shut.

My heart goes for the mother, to be humiliated like that after she just went through a life shattering moment to bring the little angel into this world. If it's a fitnah, then Allah is All Fair and He has punishment  for those spreading the fitnah. Hope I won't be among those doing fitnah, ameen!

Anybody has any knowledge on this birthmark issue, do share.


  1. one very wise woman once told me that these ppl are in the waiting list to HELL!!! Mulut tak tau dok diam ... if it happens to other ppl then it;s their fault, but if it happens to them then it is cobaan hidup!!! Bengong tahap maksimum kan ... stress tul when u know these kindda ppl ... i pray the mother and baby have a wonderful life ahead and that this person will not be in it ever ... AMEEN!!!

  2. eh ye ke? x pernah dengar plak.
    btw thanks singgah kat my blog, dtg lagi ya!

  3. kak rina : insyaAllah...Ameen ur doa too ;-)

    umminor : ahh i pun first time dengar tu yang pelik tu.

  4. maybe out of topic, but i think birthmarks bole buang with laser technology skrg. but i agree with u. takkan la mak dia ada byk dosa.. baby pulak ada birthmark? sungguh tak logic. even if it's true, it's all kuasa Allah. we're nobody to judge.

  5. ma doter also got a birthmark..on her back...but ma mom said sbb dlm perot laa...darah tesekat or someting laa cos hers more to greenish...tklaa birth mark yg black calour baeknyer birth mark tuh sbb dose wat bout the dad...hishhhh

  6. i believe it is actually really NOT TRUE..!!! ya Allah..gila kaa apa birthmark pada anak..mak bnyk buat dosa...!!aduss..gilaa gilaa..alien dari planet marikh pon boleh gelak kat org yg judge to be that zaman batu pon tak berfikiran camtu lah tambah2 lagi dgn kemodenan yg ada skrg..

    Just imagine..kalau laa baby ada birthmark kat muka for e.g like in the googled pic above tuh kan..for sure laa smpi ke mana2 and bila2 pon dia akan pergi menjaja keburukan and dosa mak dia sedangkan mak dia tuh laa yang nak mengampunkan dosa si anak tuh..nauzubillah..Allah jadikan manusia nii sebaik2 kejadian..kenapa laa ada yang BIJAK pandai menilai melebihi kekuasaan DIA..

    same goes to me bila ada org kata my only one little boy ni kulit gelap (itam laa tuu)..sangat menyakitkan ati and so i can feel the mother's feeling..For the mother and little cute strong and always remeber that ALLAH will always being Fair to HIS servant..Amin..

    *Aduih..panjangnya comment imma..ter-emo plaks.. :-D

  7. lea shmea : oh yaka now can buang..but i think it's kinda unique la...esok2 kot jadi apa2 senang mak dia nak cam huhu..unless kalau kat tempat yang too obvious macam kat face then maybe ok kot kalau nak buang, my opinion la

    iefa : ahhh...actually i pun tak tahu pun birthmark ni due to what, sebab darah tersekat eh? yess very tak baik kan cakap camtu

    imma : haaa emo sungguh imma, hahaha. all well said by you ;-)

  8. kesiannya ur friend dikata mcm tu. mesti dia rasa sedih. tu semua kan kuasa Allah, bknnya sbb dosa ke apa. baby kan lahir dlm keadaan suci (bersih dpd dosa & noda), jd bknnya dia lahir dgn birthmark mcm tu atas dosa maknya. silap2 jatuh fitnah kalau benda tu (yg dia tuduh org tu byk buat dosa) tak betul. free2 je dpt dosa..huhu

  9. Birthmark nih jadi sbb peraliran darah waktu baby dalam kandungan. mayb dia terhimpit kat mana2 and baby skin kan soft sbb tuh dia effect bila lahir. And because of this, doc slalu pesan kat ibu2 ngandung, slalu belai2 perut masa least, dia akan gerak2 and ubah kedudukan dia. Itu yg sy tahu bab dosa2 ibu ngandung nih..tak pernah sy dgr..mulut tak insurans langsung. Ckp mcm org takde langsung ilmu agama.

  10. org yg buat statement x syg mulut tu mmg dah confirm masuk syurga tu...hahaha

  11. isk..kalau benda tuh betul dah jatuh hukum umpat, tapi kalau benda tu salah, jatuh hukum fitnah..who are we to judge..?Allah takkan tunjukkan aib seseorang itu melainkan dia sendiri yang membuka aib dirinya sendiri...betul tak?dosa pahala itu let Allah decide...insyAllah, semoga ur friend ni sentiasa mendpt rahmat dariNYA...dan ur friend yang ckp tak elok tu, semoga diberi hidayah untuk peka sikit tentang hati budi perasaan orang lain...amin...and semua orang ada buat dosa..nobody is a saint..samada dosa besar atau kecil je..kan?:)



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