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Envy Me


Would you agree with me if I say that at times it's good to rekindle the sweet memories in your relationship by acting out the pleasant things that you used to do while you were still courting/dating, in order to keep the love blossoming.

This fragrance definitely brings back sweetest memories of our courting days. That's what my hubby said when I sprayed them on. I guess he miss the old times kot. Hiks. But I've got no complaints, coz now I got a new bottle to add to my non-existing collection. Thank you tayang!

Now people, envy me. *winky*winky*


  1. weiiiii....dapat perfume ke...bestnye!

  2. i spray his perfume if i miss our old time. macam satu kepuasan pulak walau pun i know it's kinda odd.

  3. wow..sweet..hubby bagi perfume..aduss...bila laa nak dapat perfume dari fadzil nih..lambat lagi la nampak gayanyaa..koleksi dah laa semakin surut nih..muahahaha...

  4. mommyct : a'ah..hihi best jugak. ;-)

    dd laa : no dear it's not odd at all. dulu masa we were weekend husband and wife, i will ask him to wear one tee and spray his perfumes, then i'd keep them with me till the next time we meet, tak basuh. hehehe

    imma : apa lagi,start la operasi bodek. hehehe

  5. Izati wears this too.. sedap bau dia ☺

  6. 'non-existing' yang tak tahan tu...

  7. uuuiii jeles2.. i xreti pakai perfume.. bertahun nk abis.. silap besar la nampaknye nih.. kena memori bau deodoren aje la gitu hahahhaha

  8. ayu : i know! i smell good sejak beli perfume ni haha

    asmahani : ;-)

    ibusinga : wakakaka...yala...yang i ada masih penuh botol is febreeze, yang lain semua dah suku botol, kira non-exiting la tu kan ekekeke

    eky : haaaaaaaa beli deodorant banyak2 buat stock setahun ekekeke

    lea : hahahaha good good. i pakai 'envy me' dengan harapan orang akan envy i, wakakkaka

    yatie : hehehe sila sila

  9. agre with u bau boleh mengingatkan kita pada sesuatu..

  10. haha.. this perfume dengan i sejak hantaran kawin, sampai skrg tak habis2.. lama betul nak habiskan.. ke sebab aku yg jarang2 pakai? kekeke



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