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O' Sleepyheads

Oh, I'm too sleepy to do anything today. Last night I slept at around 4am and now I'm feeling too lazy to cook. All I want to do is sleep, but my hubby already bought the aluminum foil I requested to make ikan bakar, so how?

Since hubby is on leave today and tomorrow, we've plan to complete a lot of tasks. So in the morning we went to the market to buy a few things needed for something I plan to do this Saturday. The kenit guy was too happy to go out but his parents were all drowsy and cranky.

Alang2 dah keluar we made a few stops to get groceries, and some pyjamas for Irfan at this cheap branded shop at Sunway Tunas, as he's outgrown most of his sleepwear.

Now that we're back and the two boys are asleep, I feel like taking a nap as well but I have a messy house to clean and dinner to cook. Do I have the time for a nap? Of course I do, half an hour pun jadi la. Before, let's see my ultimate buy just now :


Haa...untuk project this Saturday. It's my first time, so I'm crossing fingers that I won't burn too many of them before I get it right.


  1. ngeh3x..bole la rasa kuih raya hng nnti :D

  2. wah..nk buat kuih raya yer??hehehhe

  3. haa mesti nak buat kuih raya ni..almond london kah?

  4. london almond ker...wink wink hint2...rajen nyer...u luv to cook is it..

  5. wahh..dh nk start buat kuih raya. Nak kena ajak azam gak ni gi shopping kat kedai bagus (kedai bhn2 kek)kat area Advanco.

  6. baizura, dah jmpa pun kedai tu..takdan nk habaq tang mana..terer2..2 bulan lps p mcm byk baju2 jalan, mgu ni p tgk dah tk byk baju elok2..

  7. please bake extra k ...yeay now i'm excited!! kekeke

  8. amy : bola tapi hang bukan nak mai rumah, asyik busy ja memangjang

    cikpid : pandai pun

    farah : almond london teringin gak tapi taktau la pandai ka tak. cuba the easiest dulu ehhehe

    chugie : yerp ;-)

    kak ct : oh nama kedai tu kedai bagus ya? bai nak buat ngn mak, kalau solo takut tak jadi haha

    haslinda : a'ah jumpa pon. hahaha..tapi tak banyak baju irfan's age. susah la nak cari, yang berkenan semua below 1 year. sob sob

    papakeechee : hehehe u bila mau start? ;-p



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