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5 years and counting

Saturday 5/5/2011 was our wedding anniversary. Happy 5th anniversary to us!

Earlier that day, I told the hubs that lunch would be on me since I didn't plan any surprise gesture like I did during the previous years. I decided for something cheap since as you may very well know now, I AM A CHEAPSKATE. Lol! Anyway, we had Nandos as I had been craving for it for quite sometime too. Tak dapat nanti baby meleleh ayaq lioq plak kannn!

But being me, I juuuuust have to squeeze in a surprise no matter how tiny it is because, well, surprises make me happy! Who doesn't love it anyway right?

So while the big guy went to have his hand washed, I managed to squeezed in a little request to the waitress and they brought this around much to the big guy's delight! Ain't it cute?!?

To my darling: The 5 years hasn't been easy. But thanks for standing by my side through it all. Hope for more happy years to come for us, with more babies to complete our family insyaAllah.


  1. Don't get this the wrong way (coz I'm not talking bout you =p) BUT..

    That is soooooooooooooo SWEET~~~ ♥

  2. happy wedd aniv dear!
    tu gambar terbaru mummy irfan ke?

  3. alhamdulillah,congratz on ur 5 beautiful years sis (^-^).may lots of happiness waiting ahead.hehe

  4. yang...u preggy ke?..wah br tahu ni..tertinggal ketapi sungguh..hikhik anyway tahniah ! and happy anniversary to both of you.. :)



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