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Ya saya insaf!

When I asked the little guy what he wants to be when he grows up..he said he wanted to be a pirate. But I think deep inside..he all he really wants is to be an ustaz!

You know how we hijabis moms sometimes wear a more revealing clothes at home when there are only us anak-beranak around? well, did exactly that last night. Much to my amusement, the lil guy came to me and asked "Mama, takdak duit nak beli baju eh? Irfan ada duit dalam tabung. Later I buy you some clothes ok!".

Erkkkk...tajam sungguh sindiran mu menusuk ke kalbu. Baiklah anak! Selepas ini mak akan pakai kain batik siang dan malam. =.="


  1. aduishhh jgn kan u yg pakai tudung, i nih yg bese pakai tersingkat nih bleh kt umah sami ckp, 'papi, mami tak pakai suar smbil tunjuk kt i yg mmg pakai suar pendek' hahhahaha



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