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Ants are everywhere!!!!

Yerp, they are everywhereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! They're even crawling their ass off at the Queensbay beach, where there are many food stalls around. Wherever there are foods, there will be ants around, ain't it? At our house, toksah cakap lah. They're everywhere on the walls and the floors and I believe, soon they'd be crawling on the ceilings too!

 I know you guys are hardworking people...erkkk...I mean creatures. But can you please go be hardworking at other people's house, o' you meticolous creatures??!?!?!? Pretty please!


  1. I hate ants too!!! If kita sembur, dia hilang le kejap.. pastu, muncul kat tempat lain plaks....

  2. kena panggil pest control.
    sekali je buat, pastu takde ants,insect etc yg dtg.

  3. Bai..tu kes dalam and luaq sampai dalam keta pon ada apa cerita pulak..haishh...ten-sen betoi!!

    BTW..pest control tuu ok ker erk..but then kalau dalam kereta camna pulak diorg nak control erh..? ~termenung~

  4. OMG SAMAAAAAALAAAA macam rumah i!!!! baru ja bengang tadi letak cookie atas meja tak sampai 10 minutes dah kena hurung!!! BENGANG!!!

  5. beli ubat semut kat psr mlm.. u letak keliling kat tempat semut tu slalu jln, biar for one night.. esok for sure takde dh n semua kat sarang pon mampus.. :-)

  6. ye la sis call pest control...
    rimas ooo with ants...

  7. i sembur they all ngan air sabun :)- yeah they will come again but tengok dia mencict lari and keluar dari lubang bila i simbah air give me satisfaction heheh - oh they are annoying creature :D

  8. kat rumah tu ramapi org yg manissss...sebab tu semut suka. hahaha~



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