It seems that I'm always 'craving' for all types of food nowadays. Itu nak makan, ini nak makan. Well, I do come from a family of 'eater' who appreciates our food to the very core, so I can't really be blamed now , can I?
The big guy has recently discovered my tactic to trick him into buying me foods that I want. I will usually start by sighing as if I have such a big worry, and when asked the reason of the sigh, I would go "I teringiiiiiiiin sangat nak makan........". He too knows that if he layan my gluttony every single day, he would go bankrupt in no time at all! So he has learned to simply ignore my sighing and wailing.
He doesn't know that I have a secret weapon that I've kept hidden in the wardrobe all these time and to be used only if Plan A didn't work. So since Plan A has failed miserably now, it's time for the SECRET WEAPON TO BE OUT!!!
So couple of days ago, I whispered into my secret weapon's ears the word KFC and cheese, so dia pun merengek kat bapak dia nak CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN lantas mak dia menambah Cheesy Wedges as side order. Which father can ever say no to his adorable little punk's request for good food, however mischievous his little punk might be, right???
So KFC we got that night.
Then last night, I put the idea of a cheese cake into the little guy's head once he got up from his afternoon nap, and he kept on bugging his dad to buy him a cheese cake until the daddy got tired of it.
Secret weapon and his stressed out daddy! Haahaha! |
Oh my God! I just loveeeeeeeeeeeeee my secret weapon so much. He is just sooooo worth the 20 hour's labor pain! Hahaha!

hahahah tak baik tau...husband u baca tak blog ni? kalau baca pasni tak jadi dah ler..hehehe
ReplyDeletehahahaha.. melampau tau..
ReplyDeleteini namanya menggunakan segala peluang yang ada didepan mata.. ngiahahaha..
but good trick.. nak simpan for future.. hehehehe :D
KB : haha, dia baca. sebab tu letak kat situ WORTH THE LABOR PAIN kasik terbit rasa simpati dalam hati beliau bila teringat sakit tu. boleh? wakakakkaka!
ReplyDeletehahaha..I pun selalu guna secret weapon ni ;)
ReplyDeletehahahahaha sgt GOOD idea..siap with the back up plan kalau dia baca..but kalau dia baca, and dia dah immune ngan ur weapon ni how???have a backup plan yet?:)
ReplyDeletehahahaha..boleh guna jugak trick ni nanti :p
ReplyDeletehahahahahahha so cute!!!! ayat last tu yg tak tahan tu. ekekekekekeke....
ReplyDeletetuh la.. ayat yg last tu tak tahan tuh!! hahaha..
ReplyDeletei ada tigaaaaa weapons! kuikuikui...
nice..that's a good enough reason to have lots of children. each will help 'crave' different yummy things for mommy ;)
ReplyDeletehaha...make sure en amin tak baca entry ni.
ReplyDeletejgn esok2 irfan pi habaq pulak 'mama nak kfc...mama nak cheese cake, etc.'
Good ones! wonder whether workable or not for me, but now with coming three, meaning 3 secret weapons? ngeee...hehehe...will remember this trick.
ReplyDeletewow.. lovely! :D
ReplyDeletesalam perkenalan......melawat di sini.....
ReplyDeletehahaha dah agak dah sapa secret weapon dia. hahaha!!!
ReplyDeletehahahah...gud idea ni..never used my weapon yet...kihkihkih...boleh digunakan selepas ini.. :)
ReplyDeletehehehehe i pun slalu guna i nye secret weapon :) tapi tak tahan bila kkdg baik nye kita whisper dia leh ckp "ibu speak kuat lah, i tak dengar" KANTOI.....
ReplyDeletei'm soooo going to use this secret weapon also soon, sekarang nak ken agigih ajar SN cepat2 bg pandai cakap hahahaha
ReplyDeletehihihi... kita dah tak boleh guna taktik gini... abah dia dah tau dahhh ... had to find other method plak :)