Nak emo boleh? Whatever-whatever, uols sila layankan saja ok!
Well you see. I guess I've come to the 'stage' where people around me HAVE TO start asking, tak boleh tak tanya, "BILA IRFAN NAK DAPAT ADIK NIH?!?". Well, to be frank, that kind of question is indeed bearable to me because I've come to realize that it's just our way to beramash mesra with each other. Fine, I try not to be offended by such petty matters lah kan. But then again, if you somehow choose the wrong timing to blurt such things to me; like when I'm PMS-ing, I hope you could forgive any cynical answer I might throw your way, hokey! *peace!*
Most unbearable remark that I got so far is when I heard this cynical sentence from an acquaintance : "Laaaaaaaa...lama tak jumpa, tengok-tengok anak hang baru sorang ja, ingatkan dah ramai!". Ok ok now. Let me get this straight. Perhaps you chose to have 5 kids within 5 years of marriage because you're extremely concern about QUANTITY. But perhaps I chose to have only 1 kid within 3 years of marriage because I am extreeeeeemely concern about QUALITY!
Most unbearable remark that I got so far is when I heard this cynical sentence from an acquaintance : "Laaaaaaaa...lama tak jumpa, tengok-tengok anak hang baru sorang ja, ingatkan dah ramai!". Ok ok now. Let me get this straight. Perhaps you chose to have 5 kids within 5 years of marriage because you're extremely concern about QUANTITY. But perhaps I chose to have only 1 kid within 3 years of marriage because I am extreeeeeemely concern about QUALITY!
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Anyway, since I know that curiosity indeed kills the cat, I think I should make a public announcement in the TV or radio soon that "InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki, the big guy and I would want to have another 10 kids in the NEAR FUTURE before we reach the age of 40". One kid per year. Amacam ok tak?
What do you guys think? Should I make the announcement? How much will such advert cost me eh? Ngiahahahahaha!
What do you guys think? Should I make the announcement? How much will such advert cost me eh? Ngiahahahahaha!

Haha sabar kak.. Memang tension kalo org tnya bkn2.. bila nak kahwin, dah khwin pulak bila nk dpt anak, bila dh dpt anak, bila nak tambah lagi.. haish~ mcm2.. *_^
ReplyDeletesoklan paling fedap. paling nyiampah yg dok tanya dh tau tuh yg i can settle with 1 kid aje, kire if i nak tambah pon not in near time lah! or maybe if i want to give surprise senang aje, got pegnen like tadaaa..
ReplyDeletep/s - i ade kawan yg dok nasihat suh quickly pegnen even before i kawin, and bila dh ade sami, dia tnya plak bile nk tambah!. then kawan tuh kawin like 2yrs back smpai la nih dia xpegnen2 lagik, rasa cam jahaK tak if i tnya kat dia.. 'bila nak pegnen????' ok dengki sungguh tuh!
"tu la..baru tak-sat-ni beromen...dah buleh dpt adik kot lps ni."
ReplyDeletekalo i, mcm tu la ayat terjal yg i balas. hahaha.
tapi i tau, u baik..mesti x tergamak ckp mcm tu. hahaha
eh..betul..i pn nyampah bila org tanya soklan tu. sometimes its not that easy utk tambah walaupun mmg kita mmg plan nk tambah anak normal answer, blom ada rezki, relax dlu anak aktif kdg jawapan tu makan kita balik..oo klu lmbat sgt tambah nnti susah la..ish diorg niiii... suka hati kita la camner kita nk atur hidup kita,ok..lepas geram jugak.
ReplyDeletealamak bai adakah kak ct termasuk dlm golongan yg bertanya itu..sori ye... :(
ReplyDeleteI pun always get that kind of remarks, especially masa pegi kenduri, kids birthday parties, etc...balik2 the same question "bila nak ada baby no. 2?, bila nak pregnant lagi?".
ReplyDeleteYg buat I heran, all of them dah tau sesangat yg I ni ada slipped disc and badan I ni still montel buat bersabar la, kot ye pun. Ingat senang nak raise a baby? berjaga siang malam. InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki, adalah baby.
Drama mama: I agree with you, it's the quality not quantity.
hahha, i gelka besar tgk jwpn isabelle tu...kalau u betul2 ikut suggetsion isabelle tu, haruss slah org tu x tanya banyak lagi dah hahahahaha
ReplyDeletehahaha... that reminds me of my situation before I got conceived.. i think u just have to ignore bcoz "these jokers" are every where:)