Sometimes the little guy can get me real exasperated.
You see...
You see...
He has got a new swimsuit courtesy of his aunt, so yesterday mak dia adalah berkobar-kobar to go to the pool. Not that he wanted to swim, he just wanted to splish-splash in the water, the way he always does. Frankly, I was busy enjoying my life as a potato couch to bother going to the pool. But because he was showing me his muka sekupang, I motivated myself to get out of the couch and headed down with him.
But you know.
Punya la kiasu this guy was, he insisted to bring bekal segala in his backpack. Luckily he was independent enough to pack his own clothing, towels and whatnot, kalau tak confirm mak dia membebeeeeeeeel tak sudah!
Unfortunately, after all those hassles of getting myself out of the couch, riding the lift and walked miles and milesok so I exaggerate a lil bit to the wading pool, we ended up spending ONLY 10 minutes by the pool side. Oh, he managed to splish splash a bit, had some fun with the water and camera, posing all he wanted and all. But before my butt barely got hot (panas bontot! haha!) he looked at me , eyes widened in horror and whispered "Oh my God mama! I want to poop!".sambil kemut bontot!
Punya la kiasu this guy was, he insisted to bring bekal segala in his backpack. Luckily he was independent enough to pack his own clothing, towels and whatnot, kalau tak confirm mak dia membebeeeeeeeel tak sudah!
Unfortunately, after all those hassles of getting myself out of the couch, riding the lift and walked miles and miles
Eeeeeeeeeeeee,hanginnya! Awat lah hang tak berak siap-siap kat rumah tadi budak kecik oi????

adus..gitu lak! dressing dah meletop ;)
ReplyDeletehahaha so, funny la budak kecik tuu. bikin ur mum angin je.. ^_^
ReplyDeletehahahaha.. so damn funny!! sabo je la..
ReplyDeleteawat mama hang tak tanye nak berak ke tak masa kat umah?hahahahaaa
ReplyDeletesgt cantik costume itu =)
joy : itulah! nak bersiap ja took more than the time spent at the pool! :-p
ReplyDeletehanabella & zulaikha: kann!
syida : alah dah tanya dia kata takmo! potong betoi tau budak nih. hehe
ReplyDeletelenkali lepas jer dalam pool tu..
takde org lain kat situ? hehehhe
hehehhehehe.... bebudak mcm tu lah... teringat kat my boy... dah nak jalan ke kinder (Itu pun dah kira lambat).. last minute kata nak puput... aiiii... sabarrrrr je lah... :D
ReplyDeletesabarrrr je la nak oiii...
abih tu turun semula tak?
nice swimsuit..cute!maybe nextime try staying longer in the pool to enjoy ur new swimsuit better,budak kecik hehehe =)
ReplyDeletenasib baik die bgtau kak..kalau tau2 je dah terapung dalam kolam camne
ReplyDeletesabau je lah nak verak la pulak.. potong setim betoi hehe
ReplyDeletehahahah..this entry lawak betul..penat je turun..