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Bring back Ferris, she says!

I am always always alwaaaaaaaaays touched whenever I hear stories of mothers being separated from the kids. In any kind of situation, be it divorce between parents or whatever.

I saw about this lady who lost her son when she decided to leave her husband behind, on WHI just now. Now I'm all itchy to get my hands on the book that she published!

Nak nak nakkkkk!


  1. buku apakah itu?
    i tak tengok WHI.

  2. sedihnya baca luahan dia kat blog dia..speechless

  3. oh kisah ni..sebab nama dia elis. nama ayah pun sama :) my hubby pernah suatu masa dulu, ms marah2 kat eliss dia ckp, kalo terjadi apa2 antara kita, anak dia nak bawak..tersirap jantung, putus nyawa saat tu..

  4. i ni anak kuar jap ikut uncle dia jalan n balik ptg dah rasa nak apa sorang2 kat rumah..apatah lagi dia nie bole imagine :(

  5. sat nak tgk ur link.
    tadi i on tv, tapi entah channel apa..sambil hadap blog.hehe

  6. ok, part nih kan i mengaku yg i nih mmg tak prihatin, ignorance & denial. i takkan baca any news yg related to child abuse ka, separation, kidnap etc sbb i leh tetiba stress depress n drama sendirik.. oh tidakkkk i'ye i mmg over! tak sanggup aku nk pikir ohhhh

  7. tengok video yg dia post..2 seconds je dengar ferris tu nangis..i dah emo..trus tutup.i pn sama cam Ely, things like this makes me stress. and i do pity her.

  8. thank you for supporting me..
    yes,'s breaking my heart ..and i still could hear his crying n calling my name and screaming to promise to get him back!'s a promise!

    elis mokhtar @ ummie ferris



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