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Nuffnang earnings - UNPAID!

Today, it has been exactly a month from the date I cashed out my Nuffnang earnings. But when I checked the status in the payment history, it is still written there UNPAID.

Have any of you encountered the same problem? Di maana kah cheque ku itu Incik Nuffnang????


  1. mmg sebulan tunggu for glitterati. sebulan from every month end. so kalu cashkan tgh bulan pun, dia akan start kira sebulan from end of that month. pastu dlm seminggu dua tu dapek la.

    contoh, i cash out end oct, early dec nanti baru dpt :) tu yg slalu kes i lah hihihi

  2. mrs kown : ohh...patut lah! i cash out 3rd oct...dia tunggu sampai end of oct la eh. tsk tsk my bad! thanks anyway. :-)

  3. at least u dah boleh cash out!!!! ... i have to wait till i become a grandma kot baru boleh nak cash out ... ekekekeke



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