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The damage has been done!

You know, it's always quite dangerous for you man out there to let your wife be cooped up in the house for a long long time with no treat whatsoever once in a while. Because once she's let out of the cage, she will go berserk and you won't like the end result I tell you!

And that was what happened to me last week, dear readers. I ran amok and a pretty bad damage was done!


 Amukan pertama : First damage on Friday!

Amukan berikutnya : Second damage on Saturday!

And the best amukan ever, on Sunday. This is the best ever because I've been eyeing this for quite some time. My arm candy, better than Gucci and Prada put together!


YESSS!!! A PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP CASE! Hahaha! Better than Gucci + Prada la sangattttttttttt! But I just love them to bits. And the best part of the purchase was, I wasn't the only one excited to acquire it. I could see the same excitement and twinkle in the big guy's eyes. He stamped the 'damage paper' with the biggest APPROVED sign ever!

So, now that the bank account has been damaged, harus duduk diam-diam until year end kot. Heeeeeeeeeee!


  1. make sure duduk diam2 wokeh..hehe!

  2. kelasss siap ada make up case lagi tu...dah boleh jd mak andam dah nie...bestnya dm, byk hasil tangkapan

  3. intan : ok2...tapi nak beli shawl ngn baju kenduri ja lagi. hahahaha!

    hanim : saja mengada nak makeup case bagaiiii..haha!

  4. oh emmm geee!!! the last one was a shocker ok!!! hahahahah ... anyways i love the necklaces la ... very cantik ^_^

  5. dah boleh jadik mak andam ni kalu tengok saiz make up case tu.

  6. whoaaa... dasyat tu.. bila la nak merasa main2 dengan make case tu ? hahaha.. rasa macam budak2 plak..

  7. papakeechee : hahahhaa shocker kannn! kehkeh

    mommyct : barang ja banyak..mekap nya tak pandai jugak. haha

    anom : balik penang mai kita main sama-sama! hehehe

  8. dalam beg jusco tu takmo reveal ke?=).
    cantiknya rantai tu
    memang yang last sekali tu tak bole tahan.
    mesti your make up collection banyak kan?

  9. WOAHHH patut la i kol pon xsmpat nk ckp hahahhaa.. papi feedback bila i nk benti keje, duk umah 'err tak boleh, nnti u gile, i blk umah u bebel, u penat etc' so everytime i xkeje dia paksa i pg tgk movie or shopping zzzzzzz (p/s- dia xtgk lagik statement card dia bln nih hahahhaa) kudos to amin! suka suka part mekapcase tuh

  10. muahahahaa...
    blh caya ke dok diam2 smpi ujung tahun nih?

  11. Wow..!! minat jugak...mana beli tuh Bai..
    Ingat nak cari satu gak tak laa besaq as pro as u got nih..sbb barang mekap saya tak lah sebanyak as yours..hihi..But at least can occupied all stuffs yang skrg tak bertempat simpanan nii..

    BTW..hujung tahun dah tinggai singkat nih sebulan lagik bole sambung shooping lagi..hihi..the manager's 13th month pay is coming..kuikuikui...

  12. syida : dalam beg jusco private collections tak la banyak sangat tapi penuh gak la case itu. huhu

    ely : hahahahaha time u called i tengah kat toys r us..budak kenit ni dok lari sana sini. pening haku! haaaaa...papi sure rileks ja tengok statement dia..silap2 siap encourage u beli lagik! hahaha

    sz mass :erkkkk...akan ku cuba! hehehe

    lunar wolf : hahahaha...damage gak la untuk akak yang tak banyak duit nih. hehe

  13. imma : kat prangin. this is the smallest they have...maybe kat kedai lain ada kot yang lagi kecik try la survey :-)

    manager punya 13 month's pay dia nak buat keta lah. sob sob :-p

  14. fuh..jenuh i scroll.
    suspen sungguh



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