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The kejam side of Drama Mama!

The little guy is having a hard time brushing his teeth nowadays. That's because his 'genius' father bought a STRAWBERRY toothpaste for him when he knows that the little guy associates strawberry with UBAT!!! Pandai sangat bapak hang ni tau!

So last night after maghrib prayer, I was just relaxing in bed while the big guy was washing up the little guy. Then I heard the father trying to pujuk the son to brush his teeth. Hearing the way he pujuk that fellow, I knew that he would never succeed in getting the little guy to allow the toothpaste anywhere near his mouth. And I was totally right about it! He didn't.

So after the washing up and all, the big guy asked me "Did he brush his teeth this morning?". I said of course he did. So he wanted to know how I did it. Well, I told him as a matter of fact, it was really a piece of cake. I just told the little guy I would count until three and expect him to open his mouth, or else he would get it from me. So I counted...ONE...TWO...THREE...! But as expected, he refused still.

Sooooooooooooooooooooo, I just JENTIK his mouth once. He wailed so loud that the mouth was open wide and it was just the perfect opportunity for me to brush his teeth! The big guy was like "KEJAMMMMMM nyaaaaa!". Well, there's just no other way with this little fellow. Either I make him cry now or he'd cry later in pain when his teeth are all infected with cavities. 

So, any of your kids takmau brush teeth, come send them to DRAMA MAMA!!! Muahahahahha!


  1. boleh bukak bengkel nih.
    'tips memaksa anak hangpa membeghuih gigi'.

  2. haahha ..kejam kejam! ... =P ... Kalau Arees u count to three ... he will count with you!!!! ... wakakakak ... anak aku dok psycho dgn mak dia plak ... aduih! @_@

  3. Gb : hahhh ok gak kan..bole buat duit tu! hahaha

    papakeechee : send him to aunty! after that he would definitely get phobia every time u count to three! ekekekkeke

  4. huwaaarrghhhhh, nak report nak report to whatever jabatan you have there on child abuse...wahahaha!
    the word 'jentik' sounds painful tau!!!!

  5. u gotta be cruel to be kind. karang kecik2 lg gigi dah gugur. jgn jd like some kids gigi hitam2 & terhakis.

    ija slalu aje kejam bab brush teeth ni. kalu miya degil, we all baringkan dia & papa pegang tgn dgn kepala dia. mama dia buat aksi doctor gigi terlampau. hahaha..kalau dia ketap mulut, mmg kena jentik bibir. so sedih sayu dia pasrah.

    tp syukurlah most of the time, angin baik.. so 3branak gosok gigi ramai2. br meriah.

  6. ohh... i x payah hantar kat u. sebab i pun evil gak mcm tu. gimme 5!!!

  7. muahahaaa..
    mmg bagus tips ini!
    klu kids kat umah ni plak ubat gigi tu dah mcm makanan..sedap je jap habis..adehhh

  8. the big guy baru tahu kahh.. wakakak

  9. shopaholic mama : alaaa i jentik manja ja. please dun report! hahahahha

    mama-miya : kannnn! we tried so many things, tapi when i'm alone gitu la kekdahnya. hahaha

    isabelle : high 5! muahahhahaha

    sz mass : amboi! haa pokai gak la mommy nya eh. haha

    en me : haaaa...dia mana tau apa...pi keja balik keja cari rezeki yang halal untuk anak bini.tu ja lah. haha

  10. mmm... my little one memang tak mau gosok gigi... mintak berus gigi sb nak makan ubat gigi.. sedap dia kata... i will be EVIL for that... i will kepit her head and brush her teeth.. hehehe... :)

  11. hahahaa agak kejam disitu tapi sometimes character emak tiri tu harus ade juga, especially time2 cenggini kan. idak kalu kalo gigi dah rongak sapa yg salah? mereka dan keluarga mereka ;p

  12. hahhahah same kejam...yess mee too..i warning..mama tepuk mulut kang...same when nk bg obat...sambil suruh bukak mulat ugut nk tepuk mulut dier...hihihihi but now sgt senang jek dh bg dier brush...siap brush sendiri..tknk kite buat kan :D

  13. farra : sama lah kita hehe

    pinkerton : ya betul! hehehe

    iefa : haaa irfan selalu ok brush sendiri gak, tapi ada certain flavor of toothpaste yang dia takleh accept, like strawberry. bapak dia pandai lak gi beli yang tu this time. tsk tsk tsk

  14. jentik big guy sekali sebab dia yang beli yang rasa stroberi tu!!!!!!!!

  15. i buat cam tu gak susah sgt but tak jentik la i nganga kan ja mulut dia heheh

  16. kejam sekejap only but a whole lifetime they will thank us..'the cruel mother' you said,biar nangis kejap dari nangis lama...
    i know this one girl,she had to operate buang all her teeth as it was badly infected smpai naik nanah baru nak tumbuh gigi kekal and she is only like turning to 5yrs old baru..
    she hates brushing her teeth and really addicted to sweets..even nak tido pon makan sweets..and her parents spoils her a lot...i guess dats y gigi dier abeh rosak...

  17. bagus2, kalau dia tak mau jugak then jgn bagi dia makan..nuahahaha, ini lagi kejam..



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