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Thank God for Mr. Handyman!

In the midst of a tight budget when raya is just nearing the corner, time ni la every items in the house nak buat hal! The fans woudn't function properly, the door knob decided to call it quit, the lampu of the car and motorbike too decided to buat perangai!

Imagine if we have to call someone to repair all of these, tak ka kebulur makan pasir ja time raya nanti? Luckily I've got a handyman at home, he has been repairing all these broken items and now they're back to live! Alhamdulillah. At least we can save some duit upah on the repairing part.

I love you Mister Handyman!


  1. heee..
    samalah kat sini pun DM...
    sibbaik ada mr handyman gak! jematttt ;0

  2. tak kire tak kire! nak cari jugak sorang!

  3. hehe.. senang keje kan.. tak payah panggil orang luar buat...

  4. my man of the house kalu bab2 tukar bulb or carpentry buleh kalu bab keta ker brg2 elektrik ka..mmg kene hantar ke kedai la...dia xreti sgt...

  5. kalu dekat sure mr handyman tuh kerap dtg umah i hahahhaa

  6. same thing happened at my mum's house, suddenly dekat2 nak raya ni,lampu blow, water filter rosak, macam2 lah.tapi we dont have our own version of handyman though my dad was trying very hard to be all-inspector-gadget LOL. last2 panggil org jugak. *sighs*



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