I'm drooling over these babies at the moment. But I don't think hubby would approve them as most seems to be out of his budget. Unless iiiiifff, he decides not to get himself a phone, and generously splurge on one of these bags for me, because he knows it would make me happy. Haha, in my dream, I know. But dream is free, so let me dream on for a little while longer, would you?
And my most favorite goes to!!!!
My hubby asked an inevitably not-so-sweet question : Can you get one of those for RM***.00???? Can you imagine my reaction? Hoiii!!! Kalau banyak tu, nak beli kat Feringghi pun belum tentu dapat la
Now excuse me while I go mogok again!

aichh, handbag coach. confirm lah harga ribu ribu ribu. -__-' perempuan sewel mana yang taknak coach. =.=
ReplyDeleteI'm drooling... sampai juling..suka nya.. I pun ada satu jea but not the pink one, pink takde lagi..
ReplyDeleteMacam u cakap..dream on...:P
haha... comelnya nak mogok eh... hehehe.. ya ampun, sangat comel la beg2 ni semua... tapi apasal la mahal sangat kan..
ReplyDeletei vote for the last one!!
ReplyDeletePilihan yg terrrrbaikk!!
sukar dilepaskan begitu sahaja..xpa u majuk lama2 sket..nanti dapatlah tu! Hihi..(slalu taktik ni jadi tau kat i)..jgn lupa selawat byk2..tahan sabar!
hehe..nice lah all the pics..bikin hati geram ;p
ReplyDelete(guilty of purcashing a few fakes available widely in town sebab sungguh2 mahu tapi no budget for the real ones n mogok yg tlah dikhtiarkan tidak berkesan..T_T)..
hahaha kalau u beli yg immi pun boleh tahan mahal gakkan... tp serius mmg cun... i boleh jamu mata jelah huhu
ReplyDelete3rd n 2nd last tuh lawa...tp yg ur choice tu mmg ler pilihan hati smue jgak...sempoi jek kan...nwey try laa tgk blogcanteq or shopmeholic klo tk silap...derng nyer murah sket...but still lobeh 200 laa :p at ma side bar ader blog2 derang...
ReplyDeleteDream on...dream on...dream on...dream on till your dream come true..... -aerosmith- hahahahaahahaha....
ReplyDeleteyang last tu memang cun la baizurahzura!!
ReplyDeleteI thot you can buy the Coach bags much cheaper from reliable online sellers in Malaysia which I’ve come across! You should check them out!
ReplyDeletecinta madu : itulah pasal!
ReplyDeletelady : itulah...tak dapek nak merasa hahaha
nadye : wahhh bestnya! tu lah hoping to own one too, ameen!
shaferlicious : thanks for the tips dear! i will follow u! hahahaha
nay : tu lah kan kalau dah teringin sangat tapi tak mampu, immitation la jawabnya! hiks
liana : takpa ada rezeki nanti bole la dapat kan ;-)
iefa : haaaa memang lawa kannnnnn...i dah dapat green light from hubby so mintak my sister tengok kan kat factory outlet kat US. yippieee!
zonan : yeah my dream has ALMOST come true, thanks to youuuuuuuuu! mwahs mwahs. hehehehe
farah : kannnnnnnnnnn! sangat cun kan? tapi out of budget lah sob sob sob
shopaholic mama : care to share their link???? btw, i mintak my sister tengok kat factory outlet, she's in houston. tak dapat la the latest design tapi i hope dapat jumpa yang berkenan di hati. huhu
we had almost the same dream *wink wink*
ReplyDeleteactually I came across a few sites (by Msians) and my favourite is
She (Kerengga Kurus) is a pleasant seller & her prices are quite reasonable too. Maybe there are other sellers that sell cheaper for Coach but their service suck, mcm kita ni yg desperate sgt nak beli dgn dia.
But of course, buying in outlets is a better option, their prices are a steal sometimes!
vote yg paling akhir..the very last pic.. ;-) boleh suka and jamu mata jaa laa..serius tak mampu klu nak beli..
ReplyDeleteI can go for the fake one..but still..tak jumpa yg berkenan di hati..huhu..sbb design tak sama or semenarik yang replika and of course the ori punya..telan ayaq liyoq jaa laa...kikikiii
huh.i suka yg the last one. where can get? coach boutique?