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Mr. Austin, ever since last night, I fancy you no more!

Ever since we moved the old TV into our hotel room bedroom, Irfan has been getting extra hyper at night. He would jump and jump on the bed until his father wail the siren that sounds very much like our cheap security alarm, and only then he would go find comfort on his mattress while making muka sekupang.

Last night I wanted to put him to bed earlier, before his father gets in. After almost half an hour of coaxing, I managed to make him lie down beside me, and we watched TV quietly for a while. After the show ended, the WWF show came on air. This little menace apa lagi,started jumping up and down on the bed again, and before I knew it, he gave me a smack down, Stone Cold style all the way! Hadoiiiii! It was very, extremely, indescribably painful! Luckily I've got flesh on my body to take the blow, if I'm all skeleton, tak kah patah rusuk aku dibuatnya?!

So for now, I guess TV would be banned in the bedroom, at least until this boy doze of to the lala-land. Haih!


  1. wahh irfan..jgn ganas sgt laa..sian mama tau..
    Bai..Boboy pon dah makin lasak..huhuhuuu...hyperactive dah macamnyaa..

    Camna nak buat ahh..

  2. ala siannya mama irfan.. aktif sungguh jenuh la mama dia heheh... takpe aktif tu bagus kan...

  3. mmg bai..kalu on tv before tido..xkan tido dorang ni..
    boy mmg lasak la..beza sgt ngan girl..

  4. comelnya irfan buat aksi tu tapi bahaya hehe. biasalah anak lelaki. sy ni pun tpaksa layan boy sy main bola, main lawan2 dan semua tu. enjoy je :D

  5. Hmm..boleh bayangkan Irfan smack you :p..Kids mmg cepat ikut je ape dlm TV kan?hmm..nanti ajar Irfan tumbuk org jahat la :-)

  6. hi there. found ur blog thru mombloggersplanet directory. omg stone cold style smack down is rough.. haha.. thank god mine is 16 months girl. can't imagine how to handle one lasak boy like urs. nice blog u have here ;)

  7. rilexlah kak bai, dah namenye irfan tu, dia kenalah tunjuk kira nasiblah kan, irfan nak show off kat mama dia...tanggung jelah...heheheh

  8. hahahaha...kesian hng kena di 'stone cold' kn oleh irfan :))

  9. me pun dah biasa kena smack down mcm tu..sakit kn? grrrr

    so apa lagi banned tv!!! hahaha

  10. aiyoh bai...ciannye u... sabar la ekk..anak lelaki mmg gitu la kan.. i yg anak pompuan ni pun dh menunjukkan kelasakannya tuh...

  11. update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!

  12. Salam...Hi, thanks for visiting my blog few months back. salam perkenalan dari mommy rayyan yushua. =)

  13. huhuhu kesian la.. ko ngan irfan ni.. mmg mcm tu la kan.. tak pe la.. kalau anak diam je tak aktif risau plak .. biarla he is developing his brain and physical!!! and great hamper u did!!!! bravo bai!!!! suka suka suka



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