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Bak Lima Puloh Sen!

Whoever watched the Malay drama "Asiah 50 sen" sometime ago would know what I mean when I say that I'm trying to re-create that image in my son.

His hair is so long and thick and messy like mine, yikes. I hate thick hair! that I decided to tie it up to make it look less messy. But it turns out to be even messier AFTER being tied, and he now resembles the ever-famous Asiah Lima Kupang. Or perhaps he looks more like Bibah Rock, the psycho lady who used to wander the island aimlessly and show off her *toot* to whoever tried to mess with her. Hahaha...

I hope Irfan would not do the same thing to me when I'm old and need his help to tie my hair. I understand that revenge is sweet dear, but I'm your mother, remember?


  1. macam mama irfan teringin anak pompuan niii..konfem laa lepas ni Irfan dapat adik pompuan..hehehehe...and the face will resemble exactly like her abg irfan..

  2. fuyoo Irfan ada pokok kelapak wakaka...mama dh kepingin baby girl tu ngeh..ngeh...

  3. haha.. adoi la u ni buat i sakit perut esp bila baca yr second last sentence tu...

  4. salam drama mama. tq singgah & tinggalkn komen kat blog sy :). buat bisnes ye? td jengah juga bisnes blog tu tp tak tinggalkn jejak lak kat situ. btw, best apa rmbut lebat. cantik! meh bg sy skit rmbut tu kalau tak nk. ekeke..

  5. lor..cutenye la anak teruna ikat rambut..takpe..ala2 samurai jepun la...

  6. oit!!!!dah macam gegirl lah pulak irfan!!

  7. speaking of thick hair, bila nak potong rambut i ni... the first thing i wud say to the hairdresser wud be : saya mau kasi rambut saya nipis. and yes... my hair is thick too.

  8. hahahahhahhah teringat lagu yg budak af nyanyi tu pokok kelapak kan..kan..

    sgt cute!!!

    notti tau mama dia :)

  9. hehehe..comel mcm shintaro!
    mama dah tingin nak pakaikan baby dgn pinky stuff kot? eh?

  10. hahaha..chomelllah irfan. ^_^ Rambut Arif dh mcm rambut askar...

  11. hahaha the last line is hilarious!

  12. nice blog make over btw ... and nice son make over also ... ekekeke ... if i didnt know him i would have tot he was a girl ... cute la nephew aku ni ^_^

  13. Laaa..i pon penah ada Asiah Lima Kupang kat umah ni jugak..wakaka..tpi sudah kena kasi potongggggg..nanti bleh buat entry letak pix irfan ngan carliff-i mean the twin asiah eh..



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