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Is it normal that my toddler holds his breath to the point of passing out?

Remember I was telling that Irfan likes to hold his breath when he cries, or as I put it earlier "slop". I finally found the answer on Babycenter website :

As surprising as it may sound, yes. "This is called a breath-holding tantrum, and it's very common in toddlers," says Vicki Panaccione, also known as "The Parenting Professor," a child psychologist with the Better Parenting Institute in Melbourne, Florida.What does a breath-holding tantrum look like? Your toddler is upset she doesn't get any more juice or furious she can't decorate the wall with crayons, so she starts crying — but doesn't take in that next breath. The seconds tick by and she begins to turn blue, then passes out.

Your toddler will probably be unconscious for no more than 30 to 60 seconds. When she comes to, she'll likely inhale deeply and go back to normal breathing. She may be frightened, a bit confused, and still crying, and she may not remember what she was crying about in the first place."This behavior can be very distressing to parents, but never fear," says Panaccione. "It isn't a sign of serious problems."Still, you should talk to your child's doctor about it the first time your child passes out. There's some evidence that the behavior is more common among children with iron deficiency, so the doctor may order a blood test to check for anemia.You should also make sure to talk to the doctor any time your child jerks her limbs during an episode or has difficulty recovering, which are possible signs of a seizure or neurological disorder. And any time your child is unresponsive for more than a minute or you suspect something more serious than a breath-holding tantrum, it's best to call 911 or your local emergency number.

Some parents are so rattled after a breath-holding tantrum that out of guilt or fear they give in to their child's demands. This is bound to backfire, though, since giving in will only encourage the tactic.Instead, try distracting your breath-holding child by singing a silly song or giving her something else to do. If she won't stop, the best response is to ignore it, look the other way, and try to remain calm, Panaccione says. And downplay your reaction if she does pass out. "Giving little attention to this behavior is the best way to extinguish it," Panaccione says.Fortunately, most kids outgrow this tantrum style by the time preschool rolls around. Until then, figuring out what sparks the tantrums (not having any say in what she wears, or having to eat sitting down) may help you find a way to avoid them.


  1. Wah baby also can play tantrum ah... Pandai juga ye diorang. hehehe

    But be very careful when dealing with this ya:)
    I know you are a good mom:)

  2. puga itu lah. ya i know hafta be extra careful. all of us are very afraid whenever it happens, and he usually holds his breath when he cries in pain, not tantrum.

  3. hai drama mama...thanks for dropping by..glad that someone else out there also having the same problem with me...

    mmg sangat menakutkan time anak nangis sampai biru2...lagi2 bila i plak dok sorang2 je ngan die..

    i ask paed he said that this attack is not dangerous (tp i still takut) the baby's body will take over at one point bile baby tu dah turn blue /passed out...he will automatically breath again..

  4. farah. : hi there, trust me i know the feeling. memang kena berjaga2 sikit lah time ni.

    itulah usually diorang akan cakap it's not dangerous tapi siapa yang tak panic kan kalau anak not breathing and then turns blue?!? just take care ya, i pray for the best for afif. :-D



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