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Weeehoooo!!! Oranje bungkus tikar!

Penyokong Oranje, how are you feeling today?!? Muahahaha!

Seriously, I think it was a very-very rough game last night! Serious ganas tarik-tarik baju, kaki naik sampai muka semua. Luckily, no one tried to pull lock si Puyol itu. Kalau tak sure perang besar kat South Africa semalam! Hahaha! But tarik baju or not, Spain still won! Eat your heart out ORANJE! Hehehe.

I was actually so fed up that no team scored during the first half so I decided to layan tidoq. But I guess the big guy felt it was no fun watching the match alone. He patted me on the face "Bangun bangun! Tengok game!" and there goes my beauty sleep!

Then he felt it was no fun watching the match in the bedroom as he couldn't smoke. But he didn't want to go watching it at the hall alone. So after a good rounds of nagging from him, I had to follow him outside and leave the comfort of my bed! Nasib final match, boleh la bagi muka. ;-)

I'm not a big fan of World Cup. And I didn't watch that many games. But I have to say, I still feel the lost now that WC is over. It did bring in some fun into our household. Thanks to Messi, I've developed a teeny weeny fondness of the games. If only Argentina won the Cup, confirm la haku lagi gediks kan! Heeeeeeeeeeeeee!


  1. hihihi...
    sungguh mithali isteri ini...
    syabbas betti! :)

  2. sy suka oranje tp sy xtgk pun game tu..hahahaha..sebakan oranje kalah sy rase mcm nk buat sotong goreng tepung si paul tu..:)

  3. sekali ajer tengok games MS world cup kot tu pun accidentally..memang bukan kaki bola :p

  4. huii..rajinnye bangun tido tgk bola..kalu hakak la kan ..xkoserrr nak korbankan tido yg lena lg sedap tu..heheheheh :)

  5. daulat i dah xde,bai... best lah...

  6. sz mass : eh nama saya bukan betti. nama saya baizurah. hahaha

    hanim : haaa goreng dia jgn tak goreng! wakakaka

    elissmie : me too! tapi taktau camna tetiba boleh terhook this time. hehe

    working mom : terpaksa! tapi rela dalam terpaksa gak la. haha

    isabelle : bagus! sonok! hehe

  7. wah bagusnya u ada ciri2 isteri mithali.. sanggup tinggalkan tilan bantal n selimut empuk untuk teman suami... kitorang tak follow WC cuma malam tadi jer hubby i berjaga agaknya sebab final kan hehe.. i cuma dok baring kat sebelah hubby, i tak berjaga..layan tutup mata lagi syok..muahaha

  8. betull, almost sumer pon dpt yellow card, boring. dah nak last2 sumer pun drama2 tergoleks ;p starting tonite i can hv my beauty sleep back ;p pening dah sebulan tak tentu hala tido ;p



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